Friday, August 24, 2012

The Big Day!

 Have I mentioned lately how Will is starting Kindergarten?  Oh, I haven't?  Yes, Will started Kindergarten on Thursday.  Man oh man.  This has been harder on me emotionally than I thought possible.  I am not a huge cry baby, I am not a huge worrier, I am not overly compassionate to little boys feelings.  Not that I don't care, because I totally do, but when you are a boy mom there is a line that has to be drawn (pretty early on) on how to handle situations like today.  You can't smother, you can't baby, but yet I can't totally be tough either.  Will couldn't see me break down because then he would break down and I didn't want him to be "that" boy that is always crying and clinging on to me.  Believe me, I had enough of that from Will from age 1 day-3 years old.  

He was tough. He was brave.  He was nervous (as I knew he would be).  He walked right in, put his bag in his box, picked up a crayon and started working.  He made me proud to be his Momma.  

I know one day I would look back at today and this new phase and think, "Man, he was so little.  Look how big he is now!"  I know one day I will think that, but right now all I see if my "little" boy growing up too fast, leaving me for 35 hours a week, stuck in a too full class of 28 kids, and my heart hurts.  I know he will do well, I know he loves it, and I know I will eventually get out of this funk.  Until then....I digress.

Now, I have this to look forward to spending my days with.  This sweet face that is always smiling and always getting into trouble.  He took a self-portrait yesterday while he had my phone.  Seriously, this boy can snap 40 shots in 40 seconds.  No lie.  I thought this one was cute though.  Here's to only 1 kid for 35 hours a week!!!

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