Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kiddie Park

 Welcome to yet another Kiddie Park blog.  It was Friday night.  Kiddie Park Time!  We made good time this Friday night and actually arrived on time to the park at 7pm.  Yes, it was still 100 degrees outside so maybe that is why there was hardly anyone there.  The lines were non-existent and the boys loved the freedom to really ride a ton of things and roam around without me watching their every step for fear that I would lose them.  Seriously, some rides they got to ride 3-4 times which NEVER normally happens.  Also, if you steer clear of the left side of the park, the right side is shaded for most of the time so it's not too bad.  Then once all the right sides rides are complete, you can move to the left side and the shade is finally beginning to work it's way over.  Just a hint to all parents out there thinking about going to the KP anytime soon.

 Kasey went with us again this time.  She overate at Dinks, and downed a huge Monster drink before trekking through the KP, so she wasn't as happy about the park as Steven and I were:)  She still loves to come and watch her two favorite "nephews" playing at the KP.  I am sure she was the one that got Steven and Will to take this picture in the submarine.  If you know Kasey at all, you know that no matter where you are, if there is one of those silly "stick your head in a hole" picture set up's...YOU WILL BE TAKING A PICTURE!

 Kasey took a picture of Steven and I while we waited for yet another time of Owen riding the Pirate Boat ride.  He loves that thing.  His favorite ride in the whole place!  I love this picture of me and my hubby.  I think it is one of the best ones we have taken in a long while.  

I also got to ride the roller coaster with my Will.  Usually Daddy rides with him but since there were no lines we were able to go with him several times.  Kasey snapped this shot of me and Will right before take off!  Yay for Kiddie Park!

Monday, June 25, 2012

My Date with Will

 Today is Monday so that meant another date day with my oldest son.  This boy melts my heart.  He is such a lover and such an incredible, obedient child.  He is going to make a lady very happy one day:)  I can't wait to see who God has picked out for him.  Right after we took the library book picture he crawled up in his booster seat, buckled himself, got his own snack (yes, 5 1/2 year old's are easy and I LOVE this stage), and said to me, "Momma, I love you." Just for no reason at all.  Oh my!  

He earned his reward today for completing the summer reading program at the library.  His reward for completing it was this measly looking, rather small (in my opinion) stuffed bat with wings.  Hey, he loves it but glad I wasn't earning that thing.  Pretty lame in my opinion!  Could the child look at the camera all day?  No, always looking somewhere else.  Above you will see I got a good butt shot of the bat.  To the side I got a great one eyed shot of the bat and and still a child that was not looking at the camera.  

First up was a trip to Merritt's Bakery for his free cookie.  He decided on M&M.  He ate 1/2 of it and said he was full.  Oh, my Will.  Never the large eater.  

Later in the day after I drug him around for more errands I stopped at Krispy Kreme to get Owen his free doughnut (from the reading program).  Even though brother was at school today Will wanted to make sure he still got his freebies and "awesome" bat.  He is always caring about his brother.  Will got a shot at one more attempt to look at the camera on his last photo op of date day with Momma.  What da ya know...he NAILED it!

Just FYI...the bat was not asked by me to be in every shot.  But, alas, the bat made it into every shot today.  When asked what his bat's name was going to be, Will answered, "Will".  Awesome.  He is so very creative:)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Color Run 2012

 Not many things can get me out of bed on a Saturday morning at 6am (besides Owen).  This run can and will do that every year it comes to Tulsa.  It was so much fun, and although I am not a walker there were a lot of walkers there and participating in this run for those of you who are afraid you wouldn't be able to run 3.1 miles.  We started off the morning bright and clean (see side picture).  I think we underestimated the number of people that were going to be at this run though.  We wanted to go off first in line to beat the heat and crowds.  

That DID NOT work out.  We got in line and this is what I saw before me. Thousands, literally, thousands of people in line set to go off before us.  Oops.  I will change that next year for sure!  The problem with this is you are stuck, jammed, crammed pack with other runners for about 45 minutes before we could even take off.  No water.  No air.  Sun already turning you into a dehydrated hot mess before you even take off.  Don't let me turn you off on this run, just get there super early and creep your way to the front.  That's what I'll be doing next year:)

Talk about a blast though.  This run was a 5K.  So, every kilometer they threw a different color onto you.  5 colors in all by the time you finished the 3 miles.  This color went everywhere.  In your bra, in your socks, on your shoes, on your teeth, under your fingernails.  Seriously, by the end I looked like I was leaning towards the African American race.  Remember the Friends episode where Ross uses the teeth whitener too much and his teeth glow in the dark.  That's what I was reminded of when I took this picture of me after the race.

 I told you this stuff went everywhere.  Seeing it in person is really the only way to get the full effect.  You will have to run/walk this event next year!!!
Remember that bright clean picture we took of ourselves before the run?  Look at the after pictures!  

When powder paint and color is flying through the air (see below picture) like you see here, how can you not get a little dirty?   

 Thank you everyone that ran with me and made today extra special.  A big shout out to a long time friend, Jennifer Hatch, who also ran the Color Run today as her first ever 5K.  I am super proud of her and I bet she had just as much fun as I did!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday Date Day

 Monday Owen started a summer "school" program at our local Baptist church.  Monday is usually my down day in the week with not too much to do other than household run off things that did not get accomplished over the weekend.  For the next 8 Monday's though, it is Momma and Will date day.  Today he chose to go bowling and have an ice cream cone at Braum's.  I also threw in a trip to QT for gas, Sam's for household crap, and the library for books and movies.  

Will loves the bowling alley.  He comes alive when he is up there bowling. I guess it runs in the Kueny male gene pool to like bowling.  I just don't see it.  I think it's actually pretty boring.  Thanks to our local bowling alley who participates in the Kids Bowl Free Summer Program I am able to take my boys bowling every day if I wanted (I don't want) and they can bowl 2 free games each.  Yeah for summer programs!  Will bowled pretty well I must say.  His first game was a 76 and his second was a 78.  Consistent.  Good thing!

Next up on our date with Braum's.  Luckily, there was one right across the street.  He decided on...wait for it....a BLUE ice cream on a cake cone. Birthday cake.  It could have been the flavor of bug fart and he would have eaten it because it was blue.  Funny boy:)  He devoured the whole thing and then we were off to pick up little Kueny.  

Don't let the bigger Kueny fool you.  He missed his brother.  He talked about him the whole day.  He asked about it and wondered where he was, what he was doing, who he was talking to, if and when he was going to eat lunch, what his snack was going to be, etc.  5 hours.  That's all he was gone.  That doesn't count as ALL DAY.  That counts as 5 hours.  He was so happy to see Owen and to hug him when we picked him up from school.  

Stay tuned for another Monday Date Day Blog.  I am sure it will include bowling.....

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day 2012

 Happy Father's Day to all those daddies out there.  I have 3 fathers in my life that are the best.  I am sure a lot of girls think that, but I know what it takes to make a family and marriage work and I know these 3 men try their hardest every single day to keep those families together with love and support. 

My husband is a great father.  He plays with our boys more than any dad I know.  Seriously, play time is always on even when he works 12 hours a day, wakes up at 5:30 for work, and comes home beat.  Once the boys see him he sometimes can not even put his keys away before they are climbing/jumping/pulling on him to play.  I never hear him tell them no.  

My dad is a wonderful father as well.  He has always worked so hard to provide for my mom, sister, and I.  Never did my mom have to work outside of the home because there was always just enough to where she didn't have to.  He supported my sister and I in all our life decisions, he supports us now in decisions now that we are mom's.  He loves my mother unconditionally.  He loves me and my children with his whole heart.

I have another father in my life too.  My father in law.  In law's get a bad wrap a lot of the time, but my in law's are amazing.  They watch our boys for Steven and I whenever possible, they come for weekend visit's to Tulsa, they call to chat with Will and Owen several times a month.  Bob is a diligent and hard working man.  He works such long hours in insanely hot conditions a lot of the time.  He has a strong work ethic and loves his family.  These two things I have seen him pass down to his son (my husband) and I am so very thankful for that.  

Thank you Jesus for giving me 3 wonderful father's in my life.  Happy Father's Day to each of them!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Just Another Weekend....

 Friday started off as normal as ever.  Fighting, Walmart trip, more fighting, playing outside in the water, naps.  At the end of Friday I had a date night with my cousin Kasey.  We saw a movie, had dinner, and went shopping at Target.  I love Target.  If money was no option I could and would go CRAZY in that store.  One thing I have found I do not like at Target is this new Bahama Mama Style clothing line.  I am really?  Who wears this stuff?  A peach cardigan, lined in coral and navy with gold buttons?  It's 95 degrees outside.  Why do they carry this period, and why do they choose to sell it now?  Well, I had to make Kasey model it.  You know it was the first time that poor outfit ever got taken into the dressing room.  Hilarious!  We were cracking up the whole time!!!

I had to also include Owen's shot of "saving" Walmart when we went shopping this morning.  Too cute!  The story was...Owen and I were actually on the girl/Barbie aisle buying Emma a birthday present.  He got bored of that aisle and was totally confused (as was I), so he turned right around, turned the corner, and walked to the boy aisle.  I quickly snatched up Mermaid Barbie and followed Owen.  This is how I found him.  Displaying his Spiderman mask.  He wanted to buy it of course, but the thing was way too big for him and fell off more than stayed on.  Maybe later when his head grows just a little more.

Saturday we went to our wonderful church Church on the Move.  They were having Dad Fest in celebration of Father's Day this weekend.  There were a ton of fun things for the whole family to suffer (I mean enjoy in the 95 degrees) outside before and after church.  Of course, Will spotted the giant inflatable slides.  These things were the fastest and tallest inflatable slides I have ever seen for kids.  I actually thought he might freak out once he got to the top and realized he had to go down.  Nope.  He climbed right up there like a champ and flew down!  I snapped a picture of him waiting in line because I realized he was sporting one of Gavin's hand me downs.  I thought he looked pretty GQ in his Polo shirt and Polo shorts.  Momma doesn't buy must be given to us:)

Kasey took a picture of my hair too.  I know you might be confused as to why I am blogging/taking pictures of my hair.  I just love how long it is and how many fun things I can do with it.  We were in line for the inflatables so I had Kasey braid it.  I can't see the back of my head (even though Mom's are supposed to have eyes back there) so I had her take a picture so I could see.  I liked the finished product!

Tomorrow is Sunday and I will blog about 3 very important Dad's in my life.  Stay tuned!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Movie Time...Or Not?

Today brought on Sunday.  Remember yesterday I asked...what would Sunday bring?  Well, today brought the adventure of Owen's first movie.  Anyone who knows Owen realizes why we have waited until 3 years old to try a movie with him.  Actually, even at this age I was not willing to spend real money on him.  I just didn't trust him to make the whole movie.  I was right!  Thankfully, we used BX money so it wasn't really any money out of our pockets.  Good thing, since Owen only lasted about 45 minutes.  Once Owen's snacks and drink were gone, Owen was gone.  I wasn't going to be that mother chasing her kid up and down the aisle and allowing him to roam free in the row.  He left, we left. 

Will wasn't too upset about it.  He liked the movie okay (the first 45 minutes) but really could care either way if he ever goes to a theater again.  I hope that changes because both Steven and I enjoy going to the movies.  Madagascar 3 was a cute movie for those parents out there that are thinking of seeing it.  Must be nice to have your children sit through an entire movie of only 1 hour and 15 minutes.  Hhmmm....maybe when they are 4 and 7 we will try again:)

Owen still and not moving.  It does happen.  Rarely.  Very rarely, but when it does it's pretty cute!!!  


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Just Another Weekend

Another crazy Saturday is over.  Saturday and Sunday are normally jammed packed full of activities and outings as this is the only time we normally are all four together during the entire week.  The boys and I went berry picking on Thursday morning and I realized that it was just something that would be easier accomplished if and when I had Daddy to go with us.  So...this morning Steven got to tag along.  The boys love it.  It's like they are my own little child laborers.  They pick and pick and pick until they are bleeding.  Literally, Will's fingers were bleeding because of the blackberries bushes.  I got a kick out of it because I heard my friend a few rows over telling her daughter that she was using her as child labor too:)  Great minds think alike!  Will was fine, Owen just ate berries, and Steven and I picked quite the load for our family of four.  I don't even really enjoy being in the kitchen but that is where I found myself today for about 2 1/2 hours. Washing, sorting, organizing, baking, slicing, chopping, cooking, researching everything to do with all this fresh fruit. 

Isn't it pretty though?  So far, I have made a fruit salad, a blueberry smoothie, a blackberry cobbler, and raspberry tea.  Tomorrow is another blackberry cobbler, more tea, and blueberry pancakes for breakfast.  Yummmmyyyyyy!

No Saturday is complete without a trip to Bass Pro to go "fishing". Yes, Daddy actually caught two little ones tonight but the boys rarely (if ever) do and about 45 minutes into it they are entertaining themselves with other things.  Who even knows what these two things are but they found them in and around the water and were playing with them off and on all night.  Not even really fishing.  Just playing. Hey, that's what boys do, right?  They had fun.  They were stinky.  They were dirty.  And that's all fine with me.  Now, what will Sunday bring?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Warrior

 This weekend Steven ran in the Warrior Dash.  This is one of the hardest races to in all of Oklahoma.  Steven doesn't run.  Steven doesn't work out.  He doesn't need to.  Sick.  Truly sick.  I think he would want to if he had the time and in the Winter he really tries to.  Right now, this time of year, it just isn't going to happen though.  His friend asked him if he wanted to do the Warrior Dash.  I thought, "right, he will never do that."  He said, "Sure, sounds fun."  Fun?  Not so in my book.  Fire, ropes, water, mud, obstacles of all shapes and sizes, hot and humid weather.  Free beer at the end?  Steven was all in! 

Seriously though, I am so very proud of him.  Not a runner, doesn't work out and he still finished in 770th place out of 5,500 runners. Not too shabby in my book.  He finished at 46.23 minutes.  The boys HAD to sit and wait at the finish line the WHOLE time to watch Daddy jump over the fire (see side picture) and cross the finish line.  That was a long wait because they are used to my normal 5K's where they don't have to wait 45 minutes:)  Oh well, they had fun watching all the other people coming over the huge wall and running through the fire. 


Steven finished all dirty, sweaty, and wet.  He got his free beer, Viking hat, and medal.  The boys like to wear it with pride:)

Great job My Warrior!!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

12 Year Anniversary

Who would have thought?  Meeting at age 12, starting to date off and on at 18, marrying at 21, and together now for 15 years total, and 12 being married.  Sometimes I can't even believe it! 

 This weekend we celebrated our anniversary.  We flew one way to Dallas on Saturday morning, bought a work truck for Steven, went to dinner at Chuy's and forced (not really) Cheesecake Factory down for dessert.  Party crew?  Hardly!  We went back to our hotel room, ate our dessert, and watched the Thunder play.  The highlight of my weekend was being able to sleep past 6am in a quiet room:)  We hopped in the new truck and made the drive back to Tulsa to see our boys.  Our boys.  Who would have thought we could create such cute boys?

I am so thankful for my husband and so thankful for the life we have together.  Will and Owen have changed us, but changed us for the better.  Here in another 12 years or so we will be looking at our boys being 17 and 14 and wonder where the time has gone.  I already look at them being 5 and 2 and wonder where the time has evaporated to.

I love my man and I love our family.  Thank you Jesus for another year to celebrate being married to Steven Will Kueny.