Monday, July 27, 2009

A Big Thank You!

Will and his new brother Owen are officially in love! Will is so cute with him. He calls him Buddy all the time because that is what he hears Steven call him. It is adorable. Whenever Owen is on the floor with some "awake time" (this is rare) Will will lie down beside him and pet his head, give him kisses, and laugh at all of his baby sounds Owen makes. I know the time will come when he is not so interested in him, but right now I am loving how much he adores him!

A HUGE thank you goes out to all of our friends and family for the help they have given us this past week. I know I could have done it without everyone, but who would want to do that, right? I am so thankful for all the meals, babysitting, and people coming over just so that I can lie down and rest. Everyone has been such a blessing to our family!

Ava also got to come to the hospital to see her new cousin. She has been asking me for about a week when she could hold him, kiss him, if she could feed him a bottle, and when she could come visit me in the hospital. She is so precious with him. This is a picture taken by my sister of Will and Ava walking through the hospital. We like to call it "Ava welcoming Will into the Big Brother, Big Sister club!"

Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Owen

Well as most of you are already aware, Owen is here. He was born Tuesday at 5:28 pm and weighed 7lbs 4oz, and was 21" long. We got home Thursday morning. We've had amazing help from everyone. We are blessed and could not ask for better friends and family. So far Owen has been the perfect baby. He never cries, takes his bottles perfectly, and already speaks three languages. Will loves being a big brother. He will help us pat Owens back when we are trying to burp him and will rub his hair and give him kisses when we are changing his diaper. So far the only time Owen cries is when he is getting his diaper changed and we have to change the gauze on his special place, for the circumcision. More to come.

Thank you again Friends and Family for all your prayers and help.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tuesday is the Big Day!

Tuesday it is! I found out today that I will be able to go in on Tuesday to have our next and last son! It was questionable before today because I am clearly getting larger (see above posted picture) but my body was not doing what it should have been doing in order to go into labor. Well....that is no longer. We have been praying all week for my body to begin to do the necessary steps and it did. Thank you Jesus! My doctor said he would not be surprised if it happened before Tuesday, but I would since I don't ever seem to go into labor naturally. Either way you slice it...I know I will have a new son to hold and love by Tuesday, July 21st. Amen brother!!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

More 4th of July

4th of July went off without a baby!!! I didn't want to have Owen that early anyways, right? We all went to Mom and Dad's house for the annual cookout and fireworks on the driveway. Not the cookout....just the fireworks! We all ate too much, had way too many leftovers, and stayed outside until we were disgustingly hot and sweaty! Will did not enjoy the fireworks too much. In fact, he was petrified of them! Last year he liked them, so I thought we were home free. This year, he is a little older and realizes what is going on so he was more scared. That is all I could think it was. Even sitting on my lap, which normally solves all problems, was not a solution this night. He was forever saying, "Fire get me!" He thinks because they are loud they are bound to jump in his lap and remove fingers, toes, or whatever else! He had to go inside with Nini and watch Curious George. Apart from me, that solves everything too!:) Here are a few more pictures of our Independence Day!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Today did not start off with a bang! It started with pancakes. Jackie is being her usual self...going non stop cleaning, laundry, picking up toys, cooking lunch. Aubree and Will played outside in the rain and then of course wanted to come inside every 5 minutes. I guess it's a good thing Jackie is not cleaning the floors till tomorrow. We are going over to Jackie's parents house tonight for dinner and to launch fireworks. Hopefully Will can overcome his fear of the fireworks and play with one of the sparklers we got him. Should be fun.

On another note, I haven't blogged about the table I built for my parents and for our back patio. Here are a couple pictures below of them. I cut the legs myself from a Pecan tree, shaved off the bark and sanded them down. The tops are large flagstone pieces. We are enjoying the one for our back patio.