Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Will

November 27th. Holidays. Thanksgiving. Will's birthday!!!!!! It's that time of year again. Will has been waiting VERY patiently through a slew of Oct/Nov birthdays of all friends and family. Every single time one would pass he would point out that his birthday was next (even when it wasn't!). Now it's your time little one:)

Will has been telling me for months that he wanted to have a football party. So, that is what we did! I ordered a football cupcake cake from and went to town on all things football decorations! Thankfully it was a fairly decent day outside and the kiddos got to go outside to throw the pigskin around some! Here is a look at his cake and Will and his Daddy in action.

He has asked for two things this holiday season. A football party, check. And a jeep, check. He only knows his friend Aubree's jeep and it has almost been ran in the ground. Will had one given to him awhile ago but that thing had seen its better day as well. We figured it would be an awesome investment for both boys and last for many years to come. I bit the bullet and bought the tractor. Since Will's favorite song is "Big Green Tractor" by Jason Aldean, I figured he would LOVE this purchase. He did.

What birthday celebration is complete until you eat one of your favorites? After the party and everyone left we took the birthday boy for one more special treat for pizza. He asked for it, he got it. Excuse both of my boys' snot noses but I thought it was pretty cute how they were loving on each other. Happy birthday Will Parker Kueny. Momma loves you!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving 2010 has come and gone! All of my family went to my Mom and Dad's house for the special day. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful but honestly I am always thankful for the same things in my life each and every day. I am thankful for my husband. He is truly such a great man and father. He is a hard worker. He is honest. He never lies. He never curses. He is a follower of Christ and I love him with my whole heart. I am thankful for this zany 4 year old:

He is crazy. He is sweet. He is attached to his Momma big time. He loves his brother and is very protective of him. He loves his Nini and Pappy almost as much as me:) He is a boy in every form except for maybe how he can't seem to get enough of me!

Last, but not least. I am thankful this this wonderful addition to our family. It is an old picture from last summer but one of my favorites ones of him:

He is a lover. A smiler. A talker. Truly independent. He loves his brother. He loves all men. He is not attached to Momma like Will is. He goes to anyone at almost anytime. He is my last and final child and I love him unconditionally.

I love all my three boys totally and completely and am so thankful for them each and every second of the day. Not just on Thanksgiving:)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dishwasher and a Date

Does anyone else have the above problem? Will was the fridge. Always in it. Not eating. Just standing there trying to crawl in it and move things around. Owen's love is the dishwasher. Yes eating. Never know what he is eating or how many food particle's have already been consumed. I have to latch it everytime I use it or walk by otherwise my 1 year old decides it's time for a feast. Just wondering if anyone else has run into this problem????

On another note, not related at all, Steven and I went on a date last night with 8 of our other friends. Here I am eagerly awaiting our night out:

Free food at Fox and Hound. Who can complain about that? 3 large pizzas, 50 wings, and all you can eat chips and salsa. Thank you to my friend Amanda for finding such an awesome deal! A thank you shout out also to my mom, Nini, for watching the boys so Steven and I could indulge in some free grub and spend some time together and with friends. Gotta love date nights even though they don't happen nearly as much as ten years ago:)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Who Says a Man Can't Cook?

Okay, so let me set up the situation. Owen was extremely messy from dinner. It was time to go to Aunt Angie's to play for a little bit. I stripped him down to his diaper and off we went to play and bathe at her house. He saw the apron when we first walked in. I thought to myself, "he is a little chilly with no clothes on" and stuck it on him. He walked over to the kitchen all by himself and began "cooking" and playing with all the kitchen equipment. He will hate me when he is older for these pictures, but right now I think they are too cute for words:)

He is my male Betty Crocker:) I love him to pieces. Now, on to walking. 16 months is more than adequate time in my book for the O man to walk. He is walking more and more everyday, shows no fear, never even cries when he falls, and continues to just get back up and try again. I caught him today in action. You can't really tell he is walking, but he is! He loves to stand up all on his own and throw and catch balls. He might sway and begin to fall while he is attempting to throw but he always rights himself and then throws anyway. My boys and balls. If that sentence is confusing just read my previous post from a few days ago.

Now more about my other ham....Will the elf! We went to Bass Pro on Sunday (yes, Christmas and Santa are already there for those who are wondering). Will wanted to shoot, drive boats, feed the fish, get a chocolate milk, and play in the 4 wheelers. Everytime he begins to talk like this we know it means a trip to our local Bass Pro. Oh, the joys of having boys:) Santa was there and Will would not even make eye contact with him. The boy is 4 and has still NEVER had a picture taken with Santa. Oh well. I made Owen attempt it this year and to no avail. He screamed the entire time on his lap and was practically shaking. I did not purchase that picture! Will loved making an elf mask. Momma helped him color the mask so that we would not still be at Bass Pro at bedtime (not a fast colorer is Will Parker). He loved the mask and wore it almost the rest of the night. Maybe next time we will try Santa again..........

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Birthday Season Continues....

Happy birthday to Mason! Mason and Will are best buddies and like to do all things together:) Last night we went to Mason's 4th birthday party. The boys partied like rock stars, got all sweaty, ate some cake and ice cream, opened gifts, and had an awesome time!!! Owen tried to get in the bouncers and play area's but he was still a little too small and slow for the big kids coming around all the time. Here he is "playing" all on his own:

Will was seriously sweating hard core. He never stopped from the moment he entered the party. Slide, run, jump, bounce, slide, run, jump, bounce....continue continue continue. His pants were falling off, his cheeks were the color of apples, he had lost one sock, but no worries...he went on anyway!

Next, it was off to watch his friend Mase open his gifts. Party Time (the location of the party) had a big blow up chair for the kids to sit in while they open gifts. I think this was one of Mason and Will's favorite things. Will wanted to help Mason rip into those gifts, and I think he did try to "help" at times, but he was a good watcher while Mason opened all types of exciting things for a 4 year old. The chair was a highlight for everyone:

Even when the chair gets knocked over by the weight and movement of too many's still a hit:

Everyone had a lot of fun at the party and celebrating little Mason's life. He and his family are such a blessing to us and we love each and every one of them. Thank you, Amanda, for snapping this photo of Steven and I. I made fun of it at the party and didn't think it would turn out, but I think it is one of the better pictures we have ever taken:) I love my Mason (happy birthday) and I love my Steven (the best hubby in the world).

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Papaw!

My Papaw turned 79 on Halloween! He is still so spry for an almost 80 year old. He suffered a stroke in February but has not allowed that to slow him down much. He is strong and such a good man (much like my own Dad). We all made the hour drive to Bville on Halloween to see Mamaw, Papaw, my uncles, and all my sister's family. It was a beautiful day and much of the time we were all outside. Eating and talking is what this family likes to do outside:)

My sister was demanding that we take a picture at this exact moment when of course, I am trying to eat and talk all at the same time. She was relentless with that stupid camera.

Being Halloween the kids all brought their outfits. The two little ones weren't too keen to all of Angela's pictures but we were able to snap the two big ones about to head out for the sugar filled night of intense fun! Ava made a beautiful Snow White, while Will looked extra (cough cough) manly in his police uniform:) We had a wonderful time seeing family and being able to spend one more birthday with my awesome Papaw!

Much Needed Girls Night

All things girly. That pretty much covers our conversations during girls night! What Mom doesn't enjoy that though? In particular, a mom who only has boys to listen to all day! A girl needs some girl time once in awhile. This is where my dear friends come in! I love them all. We are each different, each the same, some single, some married, some with kids, some without, boyfriends, no boyfriends, teachers, not teachers...but all in love with each other (corny, I know!). We were missing 2 of our regular girls this night but they were there in you Eleanor and Amanda L!!! I thank God that I have been able to stay close with these girls and continue our relationship even though I am no longer teaching with them on a daily basis.

Last night we had our 2nd annual scarf exchange. We have a history of posing with our scarfs once they are all exchanged. I think I made Amanda mad when I stole her perfect scarf...but hey, it was my turn and I LOVED it! Thank you Amanda and Tessa for purchasing it. What a wonderful night and we are already planning our 3rd annual ornament exchange for December. Ho Ho Ho!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


They are everywhere in my house! It seems like all the time I am tripping, kicking, stepping, pushing, moving balls around so that not to kill myself as we all move around in here. Today I decided to take a little inventory of all the balls that we own. Mind you, there are some duplicates that I did not picture. 22 just in the picture alone with probably another 10 doubles rolling around somewhere inside, outside, or in closets. 22 balls. 2 boys. You do the math. I guess girl houses have dolls...and I have balls! Golf balls, tennis balls, softballs, four square balls, footballs, soccer balls, raquetballs, range balls, bouncy balls. What, no volleyball???

The boys MUST have a volleyball for Christmas so our collection can be complete (enter sarcasm here!). This is what I do almost all day with my time. Throw, catch, tackle, roll, toss, spiral, bounce, swing, kick. I wouldn't have it any other way though. I love my boys and all their balls. Literally and figuratively:):)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Trick or Treating

Happy Halloween from the Kueny's. What a difference one year makes. This time last year Will was still too afraid to do the trick or treating thing. We just stayed home (with our then 3 month old Owen) and gave away candy at the door. Even in the comfort of his own home, Will was sometimes too scared of the costumes to go to the door. Not this year! He was so excited about being his police man and wore his outfit for several days before Oct. 31st even rolled around:) He told me he wanted to be a police man about a month ago and so I knew that is what he had to be this year. Brother was a dragon and a super cute one at that!!!

Will went to all the houses without fear, collected tons of candy, and had a blast. It was super past both of the kids bedtimes, but a sugar rush can keep a 4 year old and 1 year old up past their prime!

Just this morning I decided what better way to work off some extra sugar than a quick jaunt to the duck pond, with strong winds, and 45 degrees! We got bundled up and took off. This is what I picked up just on my way to and from the house this morning. Call it my version of cleaning up my neighborhood! And yes...I washed my hands after:)