Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving 2010 has come and gone! All of my family went to my Mom and Dad's house for the special day. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful but honestly I am always thankful for the same things in my life each and every day. I am thankful for my husband. He is truly such a great man and father. He is a hard worker. He is honest. He never lies. He never curses. He is a follower of Christ and I love him with my whole heart. I am thankful for this zany 4 year old:

He is crazy. He is sweet. He is attached to his Momma big time. He loves his brother and is very protective of him. He loves his Nini and Pappy almost as much as me:) He is a boy in every form except for maybe how he can't seem to get enough of me!

Last, but not least. I am thankful this this wonderful addition to our family. It is an old picture from last summer but one of my favorites ones of him:

He is a lover. A smiler. A talker. Truly independent. He loves his brother. He loves all men. He is not attached to Momma like Will is. He goes to anyone at almost anytime. He is my last and final child and I love him unconditionally.

I love all my three boys totally and completely and am so thankful for them each and every second of the day. Not just on Thanksgiving:)

1 comment:

  1. Uh. Where was the part about Amanda? I think I missed it? ;)
