Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What Fun!!!!!!!

 Will has had quite the few days.  He had many firsts happen to him this last week.  Most of it was great (story to follow later)!  

On Friday he went to his very first sleep over.  He was so pumped for this experience!  I was happy for him because this child loves his house, his stuff, his Momma, his bed.  He wanted to go though and was so beyond happy for this occasion to celebrate his friend Logan's birthday.  That's my child there in the middle towering over everyone his same age (except for little brother Nolan on the left).  

Will's favorite thing about the party were the Lego's.  He got a Lego set that could build up to three different things.  They were: a race car, a semi, or a dune bug looking car.  It takes concentration and hard work to get those little suckers together and then apart again.  He worked hard at it! 

The slumber party ALMOST didn't happen due to an experiment Will was trying at school that day.  The nurse called me at 1:00 to tell me that Will had stuck a bead up his nose "to see if it would fit" and that she couldn't get it out.  Long story short....that bead cost me about $55 and a trip to the doctor's but 5 HOURS later it was out and we were driving to his slumber party.  He did not attempt any Lego's or beads up his nose that night.  He learned his lesson for sure!!!!!

Another first happened for Will last night.  He had a baseball game (playing Logan's team of all things).  The game was tied 7-7 in the last inning.  Will was up to bat with 2 outs.  He had to score in order to win.  He knew this.  He knew it could end in a tie but he wanted to win.  First pitch, strike.  Second pitch, HOMERUN!  He hit that ball to the fence and ran all the way for a score.  Oh my the crowds and ME exploded!  He was thrilled!  It was a great Momma moment for me and hopefull there will be many more like that.  Way to go Will!!!!!!!!  

Monday, April 29, 2013

OKC Marathon

 This weekend I traveled to OKC to participate with my team.  What memories we made!  It was awesome to experience the whole feeling of a marathon and to be around 30,000 other people watching them achieve their goals and their faces of determination.  Even though we had to wake up at 4am and be outside for 7 hours, it was all worth it.  I would do it again in a heartbeat.  So proud of our teams who finished the Marathon in 4 hours and 53 minutes.  I have too many pictures to talk about each one so I just put them on here and you can scroll through and look at them.  Enjoy!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Shogun's for Four Please

I have been told that I like to extend my "birthday" for about a week.  Um...yeah.  Who doesn't?  I really could care less about birthday celebrations but it seems I have friends and family that love to treat me special on my day.  I'm okay with that and am so thankful that they do.  My actual birthday I had lunch out with my family, a date that night with my husband, and a trip to the mall.  Success!  The day after my birthday (last night) I got to go eat at my favorite restaurant with 3 of my closest friends.  Who's gonna complain about that??

I won't mention that tomorrow is family dinner night where AGAIN I have requested a special dessert my sister makes for my "birthday"!  I have heard my request will be granted.....

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Another Milestone

As the days, weeks, months and years pass by I realize with each new moment how quickly my boys are growing up.  Last night was another such example.  Will is 6 1/2 and just lost his very FIRST tooth.  April 19, 2013 was just another day that goes into the books of firsts I get to experience as a parent.  I know there will be many more in the days and weeks to come.  A little part of me is sad though each time because I know for Will there will NEVER be another "I just lost my first tooth day". 

Will has been told that the tooth fairy takes his tooth each time in exchange for something special.  In this case she left $2 since it was his first tooth.  I hear from a good source that it won't be that much next time.  I'm thinking $1 from here on out:)  Anyways, Momma didn't want the tooth fairy to take this tooth since it was his first one.  So, I left an extra special note under his pillow to the fairy requesting that his Momma got to keep this tooth, and this tooth only, since it was very near to her heart.  Thankfully, the tooth fairy has a heart because she left the 8 quarters for Will and the tooth for his Momma.  What a good fairy!!!

Here's to many more firsts!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

My 34th Birthday

 Yesterday was my 34th (yikes) birthday.  I don't like getting older but I guess no one has figured out how to stop that from happening so I don't have much choice in the matter.  For lunch yesterday my parents took Steven and I out to eat at Cheddar's.  Yummy!  For dinner my mom came over and watched the boys for us so we could go out and eat without children.  What a special treat!  

After dinner we went to the mall.  Being that I have a pretty bum ankle right now I instructed Steven that I didn't want to walk the whole mall, but just park by the one store we both needed.  That store was Lids.  Steven wanted an OU hat (but left with a Cardinals hat), go figure and I wanted a Boston hat to wear during the OKC Marathon next weekend.  

Found both our hats and birthday was a success!  Now, hopefully I can actually RUN in this relay in 9 days.  I so want to but don't know if that 34 year old bum ankle will allow that.  That is still to be determined....

Thank you to all my family and friends that made my 34th so special.  I am blessed and will never take that for granted!  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Owen's Masterpiece

With his little left hand drawing his first self portrait ever he worked tirelessly to create this masterpiece.  He joins in now with the intelligence factor of such other left handed wonders like Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and Leonardo Da Vinci.  Yes, he is a work of art.  Owen at 3 years, 9 months.  My little Da Vinci:)

Monday, April 15, 2013

St Louis

 This weekend I got to go to St Louis with three  very important ladies in my life.  My mom, my mom in law, and my best friend.  Geez, was it fun!  And much needed!  First off, we went to get a pedicure on Friday.  We all LOVE pedicures except for my mom who had never EVER gotten one her whole life.  What's up with that?  Long story short...she STILL didn't end up getting one because they only had enough workers to do three of us at a time and she didn't want to make us all sit and wait another 45 minutes for her to get her toes done.  She ended up just getting a good back massage and foot soaking with the jets.  The workers weren't pleased but you tell her she will only have to wait 10-15 minutes and then make her wait 45.  What do you expectHer toes look like they got a pedicure though because she had just done them so we all took a picture of the finished toe product.

The next day we all headed out to Kirkwood to do some boutique shopping.  This place was so cool with trendy little shops, coffee and tea stores, open air markets, a hatchery, and a real Amtrak Train Station that had no less than 5 trains go by while we were there shopping.  This was a perfect activity for any girls trip and I can't wait till again when Andrea and I can meet halfway and go meander around again in this town!

I loved being able to get away (if only for 2 days) with these ladies.  They are all so important in my life and I depend on them all for different things.  It is great to have such a close and loving circle of family and friends that I love, each other loves, and others around us love.  

Happy Monday to each of you!  

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Will's First Baseball Game

 On Thursday Will had his first game of Baseball.  He played tee ball at 3 years old but this was the first time he actually got out there on the field and understood what was going on:)  His league is coach pitch.  They have 3 times to try and connect with a coach pitch and then if not they have 1 shot off the tee.  I am proud to say on Will's first try at bat he hit one from the coach!  Yeah Will.  He looked so cute out there in his little tight baseball pants, tiny butt, and skinny arms.  Just like a Kueny boy:)  

This momma will NEVER have ballet tutu's or cute dance outfits, leotards, or girly dress up pictures.  This is as cute as I will ever get with sporting event pictures.  I do have to say, though, I still think it was a pretty stinkin' cute picture!

Will's team did very well for their first game of the season.  They fielding, bat, ran, and caught like pro's.  5-6 year old pro's!  Will's team won the first game of the season with an 11-5 victory.  GO BULLS!   Look at how much taller Will is over two of his best friends, Camden and Gavin. They are all the same age but my son looks like he could be a grade or two ahead of them.  I guess both of my boys are going to be tall!  What a great picture of 3 amazing boys:)  

Speaking of another amazing boy....this one saw all the fuss over big brother and taking pictures before the game and just had to get one of himself too.  He posed himself, decided on which tree to hug and went for it.  He wanted to see the picture on my phone immediately also!  Such a ham.  A sweet juicy honey ham!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Family Pictures

 Let's face it...if you have children under the age of 10 it is hard to get them to look at the camera all at the same time. Or smile. Or not move. Or not hit their brother. Or not run away. Or not squint, grimace, frown, close eyes, etc.  So, all that to say...to take family pictures with a 3 and a 6 year old is a feat.  They weren't the most perfect pictures we have ever taken but they do capture our lives presently.  I know I will look back in 20 years and long for when my boys were this "little". 

Our Easter came and went without us really stopping to capture just the boys.  We took one family picture on Good Friday at church but that was it.  Last weekend I had my dad snap some shots of us as a together unit.  Here are the finished products.  

Happy Spring to everyone! 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Weekend

 We started Easter weekend by going to a Good Friday service at our church, Church on the Move.  It did not disappoint.  It was awesome in every way and I was very moved.  It was one of those services where I actually didn't want it to end yet.  We were blessed to be able to have Steven's momma with us this weekend to go to church with us and color eggs.  Fun times!  

Thank you to Pippy Frances Clothing Company for the uber darling boys bow ties they got this Easter.  Never in a million years would I have thought we could get them both to look at the camera at the same time, let alone SMILE but they did and I think it turned out perfectly for our families Easter 2013 picture!

I think Nana enjoyed her times with the boys and the egg dying.  My hands are still rainbow colored even after excessive hand washing and a shower.  Oh well, maybe tomorrow...

Will lasted the whole time as we all knew he would.  He branched out this year and didn't want to color EVERY egg blue.  He experiemented with yellow, green, orange, and even pink.  Pink turned out to be a bust and would never dye to his level or perfection, so in it went to the blue dye.  Owen did as we all thought as well and lasted about 4 minutes.  His first statement of the day, and this is no lie, "Can I eat them?" (talking about the dye tablets)

Sunday evening we went over to my parents house to dye more eggs, search for eggs, play outside, and eat dad's bbq ribs. Delicious!!!!!!!  The kids all loved being able to hunt for 50 eggs together.  We only "lost" 2 throughout the whole night.  They are out there somewhere in dad's acres.  Just not sure where.  I am sure here in a few weeks Pappy will demolish those 2 eggs with his riding lawn mower.  That should be interesting:Kind of like these faces: