Monday, August 20, 2012

Fishin' Sunday

 For our Sunday family night we went to Bass Pro for the 1,102th time this Summer to let the kids all fish.  Problem is, the water was so low and the two smallest ones couldn't resist throwing rocks into the water, so all the fish were swimming away from these 6 children.  I got a few good shots of all of them and how big they are getting!  

Jared Henry: Age 7.  Loves to fish and loves to apparently wear camo. He is a leader in every sense of the word and has a very kind spirit!  Has a missing front tooth and is about to begin 2nd grade.

Ava Corrine (or Corinne...I never can remember): Age 6. Likes to fish also, but also loves fashion.  She can pull off an OSU jersey like no other and make it look cute.  Had tons of missing teeth but now has all her big girl teeth.  She is about to start 1st grade.

Will Parker: Age 5. LOVES to fish and wishes he could do it every weekend, along with bowling or camping.  Loves to play with Jared and follows his every move if and when they are together.  Has no missing or even loose teeth.  He is about to start Kindergarten (sniff sniff).

Emma JoElle: Age 4. I don't really think fishing is her thing.  She just kind of walks around and observes everything going on.  Mermaid Barbies and baby dolls are more her thing.  I don't believe she has any loose teeth either in her little tiny body.  She is about to start Pre-School.

Jack Arthur: Also 4. This boy is a pro at fishing and caught the most fish tonight at a whopping 2 total!  He loves the outdoors and any sports that belong in the outdoors he wants to play.  He hasn't had the opportunity to meet the tooth fairy either, but I have heard he knows when she is coming because of big brother loosing teeth, so he has it planned next time to come in and snatch Jared's money in the middle of the night.  Little stinker!

Owen Michael: Age 3. Last but not least this "little" guy loves to fish, but not really.  He says he wants to go to Bass Pro and fish but rarely does he last 5 minutes.  He wants to run, explore, throw rocks, get in the mud, steal other people's poles, yell at the ducks, pull grass, jump in the water, etc.  This kid never stops...hence his picture is the only one in motion because I couldn't get him to slow down long enough to snap a shot.  He has not lost a tooth yet and is about to start 2 day a week Pre-School. 

Have you noticed how all six of these little people are all stair stepped in age?  I think it's pretty cool that they get to grow up around their cousins and have so much fun and make memories every time they are together.  Family is awesome and we are blessed to live so close to each of them!


  1. Bad aunt award: it's Corinne. And has been that way for my 31 years of life and for Ava's 6.5 years of life. :)

  2. i always like to change things around....
