Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Weekend with Nana and Poppa

 Will and Owen were thrilled about two things this weekend.  1. The arrival of their Dream Lites, and 2. Nana and Poppa (or as Will nicknamed him this weekend, Tickle Bear). Will says he hates to be tickled, and I think he really does, but at the same time he tries to get right in there with Owen and receive tickles.  His limit is low and then he is DONE!  

Nana got to go with the boys and I on Friday (while the big boys were golfing) to the bowling alley.  The boys enjoyed showing their Nana their mad bowling skills.  Their whining and crying and pouting skills were also on full display due to neither of them really eating any breakfast up to this point.  I can't force the food in their mouths, so once they realize they are hungry, it's too late for me to stop the whining train.  One game of bowling was all they made it through because then it was off to lunch with some Chick Fil A.

 This weekend Bob and Denise came up to spend a few days with us since it was Bob's birthday on Friday.  Steven took his dad golfing on Friday morning and then to a guy movie on Saturday morning.  Fun weekend!  We also stopped off at the Oklahoma famous Dinks Pit BBQ in Bartlesville for dinner on Friday night.  Yummmyyy!  This is always our stop before embarking on the Kiddie Park.  This is the fourth time we have gone this Summer and probably the last time and both boys were over the moon that Nana and Poppa got to go with us this time.  

I love this picture of Owen.  I realize his eyes are shut, but I think that is what makes it a little more cute:)  He is just totally in the moment.  Wind blowing in his face, high in the air, mouth open, eyes shut, holding on to his airplane and flying in the sky.  I love watching their little faces (Owen especially) on these rides.  They are too cute!

 Will sent Nana a text (via Momma) on Friday morning asking her if she would ride the roller coaster with him.  This is Will's favorite ride and one that someone has to ride with him because brother is still too short to ride.  She replied, "Of course, but will he hold my hand if I get scared?"  After I read the reply to Will he just did his normal huge Will smirk and nodded his head yes.  

Poppa and Owen had a chance to observe some rides too.  This ride that Owen was looking at is actually almost too small for him now.  What a difference one Summer makes.  His little knees almost touch the steering wheel now.  I think in this picture Poppa was trying to explain to O how he was too big and to show him the little kids riding it and how much smaller they were.  Owen was fine with it, gave it one more quick glance, and then was off to destroy (I mean play) with something else.

Kasey struck again with "let's take a picture by that silly cut out thingy bobber." I should make a photo album of just the pictures I have with Kasey, just Kasey, Kasey and the boys, just the boys, Kasey and Steven, Kasey and only one boy, etc.  I am beginning to think I would have a rather good size photo album by now.

Happy birthday Bob and thanks for coming this weekend to spend some time with us.  We enjoyed it!!!!

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