Tuesday, September 30, 2014

My Journey Continues

 I have prayed many times over how to begin and word this blog.  I ONLY want to be an inspiration to others and don't want to be perceived as someone "tooting her own horn" or blasting herself.  This blog is not about that at all.  I'm just a busy mom and wife and a person who truly believes that anyone can make a life change if and when they want it.  

That has always been my problem in the past.  I wanted it, just not hard enough.  See, one thing I have learned throughout this 5 month process is willingness.  You have to be WILLING to give up things, gain things, and let go of things in almost all areas of your life.  Until you are fully committed to be WILLING, I don't believe you will be 100% effective.  That might be harsh, but that's my belief.  A friend said this to me the other day and it struck home with me.  She said, "I remember when we were training for the half and we would talk about detox.  It just wasn't your time."  Her words rang true to me.  It wasn't my time.  I wasn't ready to give it 100%.  

May 2014 I was ready.  I am thankful for my Arbonne friends (I have many of them) who have brought this product and this life change into my path.  I am truly happy for them to see their success that Arbonne has brought to them.  Many a time I will get asked whether or not I am ready to sell Arbonne, or to be a consultant, or to start my own team.  While, I am thrilled for them in their journey, I do not believe my journey is being employed by Arbonne.  Our pastor preaches on the importance of having a "sixth day income" and I believe that is house flipping for my husband and I.  Will I support and cheer my friends and continue to buy Arbonne products?  Absolutely!  

Let me start by saying that my favorite Arbonne products are the Vanilla protein, both flavors of Fizz Sticks, and the 7 day cleanse.  These products are implemented into my life on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.  I began the 28 day Detox in May 2014.  I wasn't too impressed with how much weight I lost that first month (I think I lost around 6 pounds).  What I was more impressed with is how I felt.  I've always considered myself pretty energetic, but this was a different level of energy.  I felt good all day long.  There's really no other way of wording it.  I felt productive and able to do much more in a day than I thought possible.  I slept great at night and woke up with the same feelings every day.  I knew this was more than "just a fluke".  I knew I was heading in the right direction.  

I continued to eat clean, low in fats, high in fiber, low to no sugar, same with caffeine, and VERY little carbs.  Did I splurge?  Yes.  I believed (and still do) that you deserve to congratulate yourself every so often.  How boring would it be to live in a world where you get no praise, no reward?  Not for me.  That first month I didn't splurge.  I was very "by the book".  As the months went on my energy level still was climbing, the weight was still coming off, I was feeling better and better, and would slowly begin to throw in some cheat things here and there.  HELLO PIZZA!!!  I've never considered myself an extreme pizza lover but throughout this continued journey that is the food that has called my name the loudest.  I hear it almost every day:)

When I began this process in May I weighed (no woman should have to say her weight but for this blog I think it is called for) 145.  Many would be happy with that weight and to them I say, "Awesome!" For me, and my 5'4 frame I wasn't happy with that weight.  I could wear a size 6 or 8.  Since I am being completely open here, 6's hurt.  I wasn't comfortable in them.  Depending on the cut of the item even an 8 was tight sometimes and this scared me.  Never in my life had I worn a 10 and THAT was my turning point.  I didn't want to go buy a 10 just so I could be "comfortable".  I wanted to be comfortable in smaller.  So, I committed.  100% committed.

Today, 5 months later, I can COMFORTABLY wear a 2 or a 4.  Both fit well and neither are tight.  I weigh 120ish pounds and have lost a total of 25 pounds.  I feel amazing.  I feel younger.  I feelhappier.  I feel more confident.  I feel strong.  

Speaking of strong....What is that one thing you NEVER thought it possible for you to accomplish?  Mine was running a faster mile.  I've been a runner off and on my whole life and never have I been quick.  Even at my fastest, going ALL OUT, it was hard for me to even stay in the low 9's.  Could I keep up this new 7:13 pace for 5-6 miles?  That's a huge NO.  But, to even go all out for only 1 mile just to see what my body could do and be at 7:13.  Never in a million years would I have thought that was possible.  

You can do whatever you think is impossible too.  All you have to do is be willing to commit 100% in all areas of your life.  Be willing.  Get a support system (it doesn't have to be Arbonne but it is a wonderful choice).  Follow through.  You fall off the wagon because you will and we are all human...you get back on.  You push yourself and challenge yourself and love yourself.  You know why?  Because you're worth it!!!!  Be well!!!   

Love, Jackie

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