Wednesday, October 29, 2014

You Wanna Steal From Us???

 So, yesterday, we had an interesting thing happen to us.  Our mail was stolen and a thief went around the city of Tulsa attempting (and succeeding) at cashing our checks.  A little something about fraud that I was not aware of:  They have a solution/spray that these people spray on your checks that evaporates all the ink.  They leave your signature, so the check looks more authentic, and then they write the check to whomever or wherever they want. Boom.  Instant money!  

I am extremely thankful to the BOK employee who had a red flag about this woman trying to cash an $800 check written from me to her.  She was sketchy, wouldn't make eye contact, and he said my check "looked tampered with".  So, unless of just saying no and letting her walk out of his branch he called me and then the police.  Within 20 minutes this lady was sitting in handcuffs and arrested and booked into the Tulsa County Jail by 8pm.  Unfortunately, by 2am she had made her $1000 bail (maybe by using some of the $770 she had stolen from me hours before).  

This has been a very stressful situation and one that takes lots of time and energy on several peoples accounts to get this handled successfully.  Isn't that how it always works?  The criminal walks away with a few hours in jail and the victim is left to clean up the terrible mess. Oh well, I am just trying to be thankful because it could have been way worse, she was caught red handed with my checks, she was arrested, and she will face charges, and we will get all of our $1500.  What Satan meant for harm, God made good and I love that about Him.  He cares about us.  

Just like I care about my little (almost 8 year old)Will.  This little boy has worked his booty off this first semester in a new private school.  He has worked from behind grade level to catch up.  He does his homework without complaining, does even more work at home that is technically not required, still plays two sports with practices and games, and still made straight A's.  He barely scraped by with some of those A's but they were A's and I was so proud of him this morning as he received his dog tag.  Word to my readers: It was also PJ day at school so know that he normally does not attend 2nd grade in Mario PJ's:)  

In other news.  I need to get my ring resized.  It is much too large now for me and I don't even feel comfortable wearing it anymore as it has flown off my finger 2 or 3 times.  I need a few things done to it to make it all sparkly and new like it was almost 15 years ago.  Or....I could just upgrade.  I told Steven this one would work.  For the love.  This ring is perfect.  And $10, I probably will vote for option one to just get my ring resized.  Oh well, a girl can dream right?

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