Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Route 66 Half Marathon

 Sunday morning.  My marathon.  The race I had trained 5 months for.  5 months for one 2 1/2 hour block of time.  I woke up to an EXTREMELY cold morning.  I knew it was going to be cold all week but didn't realize how cold was cold.  At the start time of the race it was a 12 degree wind chill.  When I finished 2 hour and 14 minutes later (yes, that is 15 minutes FASTER than my goal) it had warmed up to a blistering 14 degree wind chill (actually temperature of 24).  The coldest November day on record for Tulsa since 1918. 
"Perfect" day to have a Marathon right?  I was just so ready to mark this accomplishment off my list that even though I was frozen and seriously couldn't even feel my toes till Mile 8, I was ready to go.  

It helps to have so many people supporting you.  My best friend Andrea sent me the sweetest note that I actually got the day before.  It was so thoughtful of her to think of me.  I read it and got a little misty eyed and placed it in my pack for the day of the race.  That note was going with me:)

I wore 2 hats, 3 tops, 2 running tights, gloves, and super thick socks.  After 6.5 miles I finally took off 1 of my tops and gave it to Steven, who with the boys braved the freezing temps to see me and cheer me on.  It was so awesome to get kisses at the halfway point and to see them and several other members of the Kueny family yelling for me at the finish.  I could barely smile because my face was frozen but believe me when I say I was smiling on the inside.  

You can see from my finish photo with the family that my smile still wasn't normal.  I could barely get a breath in due to shaking so much and I had just run 13.1 miles.  Sorry for the weird photo:)  45 seconds or less after I stopped running I was so cold I couldn't stop shaking.  It's amazing how after you stop moving how cold you can get.  

I am thankful I did this race and have another medal and accomplishment to hang on my "running wall".  People asked me, even on Sunday, if I would ever run a Marathon again.  Sunday was not the day to ask me that question.  Would I?  I can say NEVER in those temps again but can't really say "No" all together.  It was a pretty amazing experience and one that I would be open to again.  I can say with all confidence that I would NEVER run a Full Marathon (those people are crazy!)  I'm only HALF CRAZY!!!  

Thank you to all that cheered, prayed, and supported me throughout this 5 month process.  I couldn't have done it without you all!

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