Friday, April 22, 2016

Birthday Palooza

 Monday was my birthday and here it is Friday and I still have ONE MORE friend taking me out next week.  What can I say?  I am blessed with amazing family and friends who love me and want to spend time with me to celebrate.  A week long birthday palooza sounds right up my alley!  

My first stop was Cheesecake Factory with my parents on Sunday night.  Delicious.  They have the best eggplant there.  So yummy!  Did I mention the massive cheesecake I consumed?  Yep, that's pretty much why I pushed myself in cycle the next morning and rode 17 miles in 50 minutes.  My quads screamed at me for 2 days due to that fiasco.

After my legs stopped shaking it was time to head to another celebration on Monday at PF Changs for my birthday lunch.  I had planned on shopping the stores of Utica Square afterwards but thanks to my birthday being filled with rain the entire 24 hours, that didn't happen.  I had grand plans to walk off some Changs calories but instead I just drank more when I made my birthday stop to Starbucks.  I was livin' in up!

Wednesday was filled with friends.  One took me to breakfast at Panera and gave me one of my favorite gifts (a Starbucks GC).  Wednesday afternoon my besties took me to sushi at Sushi House in BA.  Of course, they let me pick the restaurant and I unknowingly picked one of Melinda and I's favorite but not Kristi's.  Oops.  The girl does NOT like sushi.  I will give it to her though.  She attempted two different rolls and pretty much spit them both promptly out.  Again, remind me to not pick sushi the next time they take me out.  I kinda felt bad about that...BUT, not too bad that Melinda and I (mostly I) couldn't throw down some major Japanese yumminess.

The rest of my week was filled with family memories. I attended a Land Run on Friday with Will.  He was so cute decked out in his pioneer gear.  We ate a picnic lunch under the shade of the football bleachers.  Isn't that how all the early Oklahoma pioneers did it?!

Friday the boys were out of school so I had planned some fun things (like a movie) and some necessary things (like haircuts and a Walmart trip).  For those wondering, "The Jungle Book" is worth a visit to your local theater.  So so good.  Many times in kid movies I am bored.  Pretty good and bored.  Not this time. I was enthralled from beginning to end but mostly enjoyed Owen's joy and squeals at seeing so many different animals in one movie.  That boy loves animals like Will loves food.

Again, I am so blessed by all of you who wished me a happy birthday, sent me a message or a text, called me, or took me out.  Thank you all so much:)

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