Monday, October 28, 2013

Sunday Fun Day

 Sunday the boys and I loaded up and drove to my parents house for dinner and some football time.  Ever since my dad spray painted the huge football field on their backyard they keep calling to have the boys come play on it before the rains and grass growing takes it away.  Sunday was  a beautiful day for Will to have his buddy Mason come with him too.  So, I loaded up three boys and headed to Coweta.  They had such a great time!  The cousins (girl cousins) were there too to play.  Not football, but they did play.  In fact, the weather was so awesome most everyone overdressed and got too hot.  Hence the shirtless boys in the pictures.  

Mom and Dad have a great trail that runs behind their house.  It is perfect for little boys (and girls) to go on a Nature Hike.  We found bugs, acorns, flowers, rocks, sticks, POOP, and Owen found the best treasure of all...a dead (or almost dead) snake.  It was stuck to the ground with dried blood so he just kicked the snake until it came loose and picked it right up to stick in his bucket.  Let's just say Aunt Angie was not too pleased when she saw the snake come in the house later.  Owen just wanted to show off his find.  He was so excited about it.  God knew what he was doing when he gave me boys.  I was happy for him, Angela was screaming!

I was thankful for a great Sunday to be with family and friends.  Thank you Jesus for a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tulsa Run 2013

 The morning had finally arrived.  My first 15k EVER and my first time to run 9.3 miles in a race (although my official Run Tracker on my phone measured it at 9.5 miles). Strange.  I have been nursing some majorly sore legs, knees, and IT Bands all week.  In fact, I had only run one time all week and only did around 3 miles at that.  I have a little nervous about my run today.  Ten THOUSAND other runners can really cheer a person up though.  I started out with all my friends but slowly, little by little, we had to navigate the streets and thousands of runners by ourselves.  Some of us had injuries, some did not.  The slow ones didn't want to slow down the fast ones.  I love running with people like that.  You have no pressure to be like them, beat them, or lose to just run your own race and go for your own goals. 

My goal was 1 1/2 hours.  My official race time was 1 hour 35 minutes.  I am pretty proud of that though because I seriously limped the whole 1st mile.  This knee thing has been rough and I am super thankful for all the family and friends that were praying for me and thinking of me today.  I felt it.  By mile 8 I was really needing those prayers.  My right foot was going numb and I was heading for a straight up hill from mile 8-9 (way to go Race Director throwing that in in the last stretch).  

Today was race #2 in my quest to hit race #3 (the Half Marathon) NEXT MONTH.  Eeks!  Thank you all for your prayers and support.  Tulsa Run 2013 is in the books for me!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

One Foot in Front of the Other

 The morning had finally arrived today.  Bright and early (and chilly).  Today was to be the day where I ran into the double digits for the first time in my life.  I was nervous and scared of the pain I would feel throughout and after my run.  This goal today was just one in my step towards my November goal of the Half Marathon.  

I was so thankful for Amanda who willingly ran 2 MILES passed what she was originally gonna run just so I didn't have to finish by myself.  That's a true friend right there!  I will be honest.  By mile 8 I was hurting and had Amanda not been there I would have been tempted to quit (don't think I actually would have but the desire would have been there)!  We held on strong through our grunts and pains and we finished with a 9:40 pace for 10.04 miles.  My phone registered a longer pace but that's because I never turned it off during drink and bathroom breaks.  

So, Goal ONE was the Zoo Run.  I finished this in a great time of around 54 minutes.  I can't remember for sure.  6.1 miles.  That was Goal ONE.  Complete.

Goal Two is the Tulsa Run.  This race is on Saturday.  My first 15k ever with a total of 9.3 miles.  I know I am ready.  Still nervous though to cross this one off my list so I can move onto my last and final running goal this year....Rt 66 in November.

Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Spook A Rama

 Last night we traveled up to my birthplace, Bartlesville Ok, to go to Dink's and the Kiddie Park.  Since Kasey is here this week I KNEW we had to go to Dink's since this is one of her all time favorite places to eat.  If we are at Dink's it is almost a waste to not go to the Kiddie Park.  The boys don't understand why we are in Bartlesville but don't get to go to their favorite park.  Well, no worries boys...the park was OPEN!  We have never taken the kids to Spook A Rama before because I didn't know if it would be too scary for them.  I wish we would have gone last year now because it is only open one weekend in October and they had a blast.  The only "scary" thing there was a haunted house that we just didn't allow the kids to do.  Not a problem because they didn't even ask!  On another note...Owen (just since Summer) is now too tall for 2 RIDES.  Both my boys are getting too tall for some rides but that doesn't stop them loving the place.  For only .25 cents a ticket, I love the rides too!  

The boys collected lots of candy, got to pet a drug dog, rode all the rides they wanted, ate popcorn, and got a special snack at QT on the way home.  I say it was a pretty perfect night:)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

 Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch for the first (and probably last time)this season.  It is a lot of fun but it's about a 40 minute drive there and 40 minutes back.  The boys love the goats and animals and enjoy feeding them.  I love Carmichael's and will NEVER go to Pumpkin Town now that they will charge us $40 minimum just to walk in.  What a waste!  All my boys want to do is walk around on the pumpkins and take pictures.  

It was a great to have Kasey get to come with us.  She is here with us for most of the Fall Break.  I am so thankful that she is here and hanging out with us on all our fun exersions we are taking this week.  Tonight is Dinks and Kiddie Park for Spookarama.  Tomorrow is Mini Golf night.  Look for more blogs about Fall Break coming soon:) 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Family Pics Part 2

 We recently took family pictures with the adorable and supremely talented Melinda Hunley (  Check out her website because she really is awesome! 

She took us to downtown Tulsa for our Fall shoot.  I have never been down there to take pictures before but have seen lots of my friends do it and have seen some of the backgrounds and have always wanted to go there.  I am so glad she suggested that place!

The boys were pretty well behaved (one more than the other).  Will really does not like to have his pictures taken for longer than 5 minutes.  When he is cooperating they usually turn out great.  When he is tired, it's pretty much over.  Owen always cheeses and will do it until the last photo is snapped.  Getting him to stay clean when there are way too many rocks to pick up and cigarette butts to throw is hard though.

Here is my photographer friend in the flesh.  I love that we were able to get a picture together because rarely do they get in the shot.  I love the "normalness" of this picture.  This is how Melinda and I are a lot of the time:)  Thank you again for capturing our family and these memories.  They, and you, mean so much to me.  Now friends, go check out her website!  Seriously, go do it now....

And two beautiful boys.  I love them and am so thankful for them and what they add to our family.  Will (almost 7) and Owen (age 4). 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Wedding Weekend

 This weekend we loaded up the boys and drove 3 hours south to Ardmore for my  beautiful cousin's wedding.  I was happy it was her time to have her day and pleased to get to see family that we haven't seen in way too long!  

The wedding was on a country club golf course.  It was beautiful! Orange, browns, tan, and yellows.  A perfect Fall wedding.  This is my other cousin, Amy.  You don't hear much about her because she lives down in San Antonio.  She is one of Kasey's older sisters and they both were bridesmaids for my other cousin, Laurie, who was the one that got married.  

The wedding had rolling hills and greens that of course my boys LOVED.  It was constant tackle, roll, tackle, roll down the hills.  I snapped a few shots of all the kids as they were playing outside.  Right after the wedding but before the food arrives.  You know that hour you normally have to kill?  Have your wedding at a country club where there are plenty of opportunities to disturb the golfers on the 18th hole. It was pretty funny!

Happy wedding day to my cousin Laurie.  I pray you and Sam have a wonderful life together:)

Monday, October 7, 2013

OU Game

 The day started off rainy and COLD.  The perfect day (almost because of the rain) to run my best 10k time EVER at 54 minutes.  Saturday was Steven's birthday and even though I felt bad about leaving on his birthday and missing Will's flag football game, I had already scheduled myself to do the Zoo Run that day.  The Zoo Run was my first race on my way to my big goal next month.  Saturday was a 10k, in two weeks I will run the Tulsa Run (a 15k), and then 4 weeks after that is the Route 66 Marathon (13.1 miles).  I feel like I am almost ready.  I have several 8's and some 9's under my belt.  I'm in the home stretch but I would be lying if I said I am not THRILLED when this will be over.  Goal-accomplished.  Now, let me have my mornings and weekends back!  Thank you to Olivia Williams for running with me on Saturday.  I taught Olivia back eons ago when she was in the 5th grade.  Now, that class are all Juniors in COLLEGE.  Geez, I am old!

Not as old as this guy though....Happy 35th birthday to the best husband around.  He wanted nothing more (well other than a golf driver:) than to spend his birthday at the OU game.  I love going to games. I scream and cheer and jump up and down with 85,000 other people.  It's electric.  I love that Will enjoys it so much too.  He is the perfect child to take to games because he actually sits and watches the whole thing.  He doesn't care that he is crammed in with thousands others in a space so small that you can smell their breath and barely sit down.  He is a Kueny and loves himself some OU football.  Steven and I throughly love watching Will's face light up when the touchdowns happen.  Hopefully soon little brother can join us when we go as a family.  I hate him missing out, but let's just be honest.  If Owen were to go, there would be no point in me going.  Someone would have to follow him around everywhere:)  

All in all we had a great Saturday.  My best 10k time ever, OU won, and wonderful birthday dessert made my Steven's sister to eat on after the game.  We got home at 1am and were totally whipped out but would do it again tomorrow!