Friday, September 13, 2013

Gross Out Pictures

 To those of you not interested in fungal infections or Science you might not want to read this blog.  Just a forewarning....

On Tuesday when I picked Will up from school I noticed that he looked pretty sleepy.  He had no fever and was acting normal except for a headache.  On Wednesday when I picked him up I could immediately tell he had a fever by looking at his "fever eyes".  I never could tell fever eyes or see them before having children of my own.  Now I know before even touching my kids if they have a fever or not.  Sure enough, over 100 when we got home.  In the 5 minutes it takes to drive back to our house he was already asleep.

Fast forward 12 hours and the fever was now around 101 and these sores began opening up and oozing.  Hot and red and painful looking.  I found out from another mom in his class that her son had been diagnosed with Staph Infection.  Awesomeness.  So, I found a sub for my gymnastics classes this morning, took little brother to his school, and took big brother to the doctor.  It wasn't Staph but rather Infantigo or Impetico (some people call it).  It is a form of Staph.  It is a fungus and an infection (which was causing his fever).

Thankfully we live in a country where he can have medicine quickly.  Got his prescription this morning and after 24 hours he will no longer be contagious.  We are stuck at home for another day though because he can not be around others.  Pray for quick healing and for his fever TO BREAK.  All he cares about is that tomorrow night is football practice and Saturday morning at 9am is his first flag football game of the season.  Sores aside...he would be heartbroken if he had to miss that.  

Science lesson for the day complete!  Even sick this boy is sweet.  Hasn't moved much from this position on the couch but never complains.  Get well soon Will!

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