Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday

So, yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday. I am not even lying when I say that I didn't even know who was playing in the game until about an hour into the game. I kept thinking the Jets, not the Giants. I kept saying the Texans, not the Patriots. I still think I am not too sure about the two competitors. All I know is that the blue team won (I believe the Giants). That was all Will wanted was for the blue team to win. Those of you that know Will, know why!

Before the game we ate some Wings to Go and got all snuggled up to watch the game and funny commercials (which were not funny at all in my opinion). The boys played "football" in my living room off and on the whole time of the game. Well, I should rephrase. Will played football. Owen played basketball. Regardless, there were balls flying around pretty much the whole time unless they needed a drink or rest break. Here is a drink break:

And here is a rest break:

Please do not turn me or Steven into the DHS. The beer was empty (okay, there was one drop left) and before you can reach to throw it away, Little Man comes and grabs it and tries to drink. We don't drink much beer in this house but on the rare occasion when Steven does drink some, Owen seems to think it's Kool Aid. Seriously, has no problems attempting to drink the nasty yellow liquid. I can't seem to stand even the smell of it on Steven's breath. Oh well. Let's hope that doesn't get him into trouble in 19 years from now!

Aunt Kasey came to watch the game with us last night and to spend some times with the boys. She got a picture with the boys on a commercial break and after taking the picture I studied it and realized that both boys have a ball in their hands. Story of this household. Some sport, real or imaginary, is always being played in this house! If you also notice, Will's ball of choice is a football and Owen's is a basketball. So on point!

If you also CARE to notice I dressed Will in what I THOUGHT all day was a New England Patriots shirt. Much to my sadness I realized that it was not a Patriots shirt, but a Houston Texans shirt and that Steven was not even rooting for the Patriots, rather he wanted the Giants to win. I can't win! Never when it comes to NFL football.

Nothing of that matters though. And as little as I DO NOT enjoy the NFL when I see pictures like this. Two men in my life who do love football and do love the NFL and do sit on the couch the same way to watch their game:)

P.S. If you care to notice (again) the football placement by Will. Right by his side. All night. :) Go Giants...or Patriots....or Texans. Who won again?????

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Was Will penalized 15 yards for "Hands to the face" in the last pic? I watched the commercials this morning; thought the Dorito's great dane/cat spot was great. Also loved the Audi vampire spot.
