Monday, February 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Denise!

This weekend the family drove down to Norman to celebrate two festivities (more on the other one later). The first festivity was to honor Steven's mom on her birthday. 22nd birthday Will thought. He called his Nana 22 all weekend. It was pretty funny. Denise's comment was, "forever young, yeah!".

All the siblings pitched in to get Denise a Vintage Pearl necklace for her big day. I had the idea once I got mine at Christmas. Bob and Denise have 9 grandchildren and I wanted to design something that every time she looked at it it could remind her of her children and grandchildren. I found a piece big enough to accommodate 9 grandchildren names. That was a fete in itself. What am I going to do when Joey and Lauren decide to have another one or two.....who knows? For now in her life there are only 9:) She loved her necklace and had to wear it immediately. She and I decided to pose wearing both of our necklaces (see top left picture).

Her birthday is also Steven's aunts birthday as well. They are twins you see. Dee and Denise. They finish each others sentences, they laugh alike, they talk alike, they walk alike. It's pretty funny to watch! So...happy birthday both Dee and Denise!

Which brings me to the other reason we were in Norman this weekend. TWINS! Several on Steven's side of
the family. Another two that are special to us are Anderson and Oliver. Our newest nephews that are now 5 months old. They are getting so chubby, vocal, and little personalities. I loved every second of kissing and holding them on Sunday. Momma Rachel made them vests and bow ties for their baby dedication at church. They were the cutest babies in the room (and there were a lot of babies there!)

Oliver is on the left in this picture. He was always doing something funky with his tongue the whole weekend. I see he was also doing it while Steven took my picture. Anderson is on the right. Super chill baby. Allowed everyone to pass him around and just observed everything going on around him the whole time. Never a peep out of him. I love these boys and it was so good to see them get dedicated to God and the church this weekend!

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