Monday, March 2, 2015

I Need Warmth!

This weekend Steven was gone to Colorado for a ski trip with some friends.  Don't get me wrong..I love trips away with my husband and weekends off from kid duty but I had just come from 18 inches of snow in Kentucky and didn't feel like going to a 12,000 ft elevation mountain range with 1-2 FEET of snow expected for the weekend.  I wanted to stay in my nice warm house and play outside with my boys. 

Instead...I got this.  Snow.  Great.  Just great. It snowed Friday night, all day Saturday, and we even had some rain/sleet to complete the weekend on Sunday.  So much for getting away from the snow.  Well, I tried to make the most of it.  Saturday we did pretty much nothing but wait for the snow to stop falling.  Will had come home from school with a recipe he was dying to try out.  Thankfully, we had all the ingredients at home since I was in no way going to venture out to Walmart.  Chango Bars were on the agenda and he loved every minute of it!

Saturday was pretty much a day filled with "do whatever you want in this house just don't break anything.  oh, and eat whatever you want to."  It was about 12:30 and I hadn't really mentioned lunch yet.  I was going to make them something but we had all been snacking all day so I just didn't really think about it.  Will walks into the kitchen and proudly says, "Mom, I'm making lunch now."  He did it all himself and never asked for my help with anything.  That's a lunch I could get used to.  Chef Will toasted his own bread with jam, microwaved some chicken nuggets and then threw some pretzels in for good measure.  He ate it all up and even had seconds on the toast and jam.  This is snow food at its finest.  Just eat what we have:)

I am FOR SURE ready for some warmer weather.  This weather just has me slumbered up inside my own home wearing a beanie, hoodie, layers, gloves, and house shoes at all times.  Have I mentioned that our fireplace hasn't been turned off for 3 days?  Can't wait to get this months ONG bill.....Bring on SUMMER!!!

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