Sunday, November 23, 2014

If Only I Could Travel Into His Brain...

If only I could travel into this child's brain....What would I find?  What would I hear?  What would I see?  Who knows the answer to all those questions but let me inform you that it would be quite the HILARIOUS journey.  

I could blog daily on Owen funnies and don't do this as often as I should.  This boy has me laughing nearly everyday.  He also has me yelling most days and running ragged by the end of the day but that day is also filled with lots of laughter and hugs and kisses from him (if you've never experienced Owen loves than you are missing out).  

Let's see...just this weekend he said a few funny things.  1.  While at Bass Pro with his Pappy he informed him that he wanted to go into the bathroom so he could take aim at the "sinks and toilets".  Who knows where these things come from?  Of course, since he was with Pappy he was allowed to do just that and the above picture is him in action.  This boy loves ALL THINGS outdoors and that even means he has to practice in any bathroom wearing any Daniel Boone hat he can find at any given time.  Why not?  

2. He also informed Pappy and myself that he wanted corn.  Right then, the child wanted corn.  He wanted it with melted butter, on the cob, and he wouldn't eat it with his feet (like Curious George), he would eat his corn with his fingers.  Allrighty then.  Glad we got that figured out.  Since he was with Pappy again, guess what the boy came home with?  Yep.  You guessed it!  A bag of frozen corn on the cob, straight from the grocery store, instantly cooking as he got home, and devoured shortly after by both boys as they finished playing at Nini and Pappy's.  This boy cracks me up!

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