Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter 2012

Easter came early for the Kueny's this year as our wonderful church, Church on the Move, held a good Friday service tonight. The service was excellent, as usual, packed, as usual, and over at exactly one hour (that was my guess as well). The two smallest Kueny boys got all decked out in their "Sunday best" (on a Friday) and headed out for COTM. A big thank you shout out to Andrea and A La Modish for creating Will and Owen's fabulous Easter ties. Andrea, you gave me ties last year for the boys too and I think this needs to become an Easter tradition as the boys continue to grow. Think of it as good marketing....!!!! I mean, come on, every parent thinks their child is cute but when I see my boys decked out in something other than dirt, grime, and diapers I can't help but gush at how handsome they are and how they are going to make some girl very happy one day:)

Before Easter service the boys and I dove into egg coloring. NOT SOMETHING I really wanted to do with Owen (for obvious reasons) if anyone follows this blog or reads my status's on Facebook you will know why. Will and I began the process but I improperly judged how long it would take to boil 18 eggs, so after a much TOO SHORT nap Owen walks out and is completely ready to join in on the fun. Oh well, change of plans and Momma just moved the activity outside. Spill all you want Owen. Actually, not one of us spilled which I was very pleased with. Owen did crack a few eggs throughout the process. You will also know, if you know Owen, that he is not the most gentle child. He broke several. Those were his. Then he ate them. Of course. His job was to "color" for about 5 seconds, then destroy the egg, then eat, or feed the egg to the neighbor dog.

I laugh at the above picture because Owen looks so mean and Will looks so meek and sweet. Totally their personalities except Owen is not mean. He just likes to look it and appear tough at all times. Like an "I'm a football player and I am going to destroy you measly egg!" tough at all times!

Amazingly Will decided to color his hands as well during this process. I say amazingly because look what color he decided to paint himself with....
If you guessed blue you would be correct 99% of the time. Today was green for some reason. I think he liked me calling him Captain Hulk all day:)

Happy Easter to everyone out there and I hope everyone has a great weekend celebrating Jesus and spending time with your families!

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