Monday, December 21, 2015

Pinata Christmas Party

This year our company, thankfully, has grown so much that we decided to have a Christmas party to get together and celebrate all we have accomplished in 2015 and just take some time to have fun and relax.  
We decided to have the party at a local Mexican restaurant called, Speedy Gonzales.  I'm not picky when it comes to Mexican food (it's probably one of my favorites)but this place is super yummy.  They have a special room that you can rent out that's connected to the restaurant.  

The food was brought in, served to us, Margarita (yes, that was her name) was a great server and took care of all the kids soda needs and the adults chip needs.  Maybe that was just me? I can put away some chips and salsa.  Did I mention chips and salsa is probably Will's favorite snack?  Yep, that child is mine!

We ordered some pinatas for the party.  What good Christmas party doesn't come with pinatas?  We got a swimming pool that was WAY larger than I thought it was going to be, and ordered a Minecraft Steve character.  No one pinata was liked more than the other.  The kids loved them both but were way more interested in what was inside them.  I'm thankful I found some softer bats because otherwise some of these kids could have broken open the pinatas with 1-2 hits.  Let's just say the floor was COVERED with pinata mess, candy, and balloons when we were done!

Steven and I are beyond thankful for all these men. Without them, our jobs would be exceedingly harder. Without them, we wouldn't own a pool company. God has been faithful and has brought just the perfect people for us with the skills and knowledge we needed to get this company off the ground.  Last year, we were only about 1/2 this size.  Mind you, this is the SLOW time of the year for us.  Come spring and summer there will be a few more men brought into this fold (of this I am sure).  We are thankful and blessed.  We know it and aren't afraid to tell them whenever we can. Running a successful company and flipping houses (on the side) do not come without stress and problems. We wouldn't have it any other way because without those stresses we wouldn't have Gunite Pools of Tulsa.  

Thank you Jesus for this man and thank you for what we (and all these men) have been able to do over the last few years.  We are blessed beyond measure and our cup overflows.  Amen. 

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