Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Birthday Blunder

 For as long as I can remember my sister, Angela, has had the nickname "Bangela." Of course, I was too young to understand and actually remember the birthday cake that said "Happy Birthday Bangela" but I do remember the stories and can hear my parents talking about how that was so funny because how could ANYONE think they named their daughter Bangela?!  

Well..........it lives on.  How could anyone think I married a Stezen?!  Apparently, someone thought I did.  Come on people!  The little teenager working the counter thought I would be mad when she opened up the cookie cake for me to inspect and she saw my face.  I wasn't mad.  I was just simply confused as to how anyone could actually think this cake was correct.  She told me she would fix it and I almost laughed because then I remembered the Bangela episode.  "Heck no, you aren't fixing it", I said.  I'm sure this really got her all confused.  I mean, what a story to tell and remember for Stezen's rest of his life!  This entire birthday weekend that he has had people have been laughing with him, calling him Stezen, and cracking up at all the Stezen cookie cake comments.  Come on now...that's funny!  Really I should be thanking the Great American Cookie Company (Woodland Hills Mall lower level by the Starbucks) for this laughable and memorable cake.  Now, that's a cookie cake for the ages!

Stezen's birthday was filled with friends and family.  He enjoyed a weekend of camping with us and his parents and then came home on Sunday to even more hours of fun at the fair with some friends and about 1/2 million other Tulsa natives.  The fair always falls around his birthday and this year was no exception.  Food, fun, friends, tons of money, and lots of people watching and walking.  That's the fair.  We go every year and never miss it.  Although, I will admit I cap out after about 3 hours.  That's my fair limit.  I guess I'm getting old....

Speaking of old.  Happy birthday to my now 37 year old husband.  We've known each other since age 12, we've been together since age 17, married since age 21, parents by age 27, business owners by age 32, and best friends for almost 20 years.  I wouldn't want anyone else by my side on this crazy adventure. 

Happy birthday to my love.

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