Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Steven!

Every October 5th that rolls around is my hunnies birthday. 33 this year. He told me he wanted me to take him to the store to buy some velcro shoes and elastic waisted pants this year. That's what he wanted:) All kidding aside, all he wanted were gift cards to Bass Pro so he could buy fishing things. Okay, maybe he is getting old!

For Steven's birthday this year I had to work:( I did take off early and super Nini came over to watch the boys. We got all dressed up...all this means to me is I was not wearing my staple "mom outfit". This would be either a tank top and jeans or a t-shirt and jeans during this October days. We got dressed up and ready to go enjoy one of Steven's favorite pasttimes...the movies. "Moneyball" was our movie of choice. It was good. This movie has got tons of hype and Oscar buzz. It was okay. I guess I would have really loved it if I was a baseball fan. All I could think of during the movie though was how Brad Pitt isn't aging like I would have liked him too:)

Dinner was at Outback. One of Steven's favorites! He enjoyed his favorite foods of wings, sweet tea, sweet yam, salad, and steak. I had to show him how much I loved him with whipping out candles, lighting them, and snapping a picture. He was embarrassed. We had no cake so I had to make due with the next sweetest thing which was his yam.

Amazingly one of my most enjoyable parts of the night was my dinner choice at Outback. They have a new sandwich called the Fillet Foccachio. Holy Cow! I would have shown you the whole thing but before I could think to take a picture I had already eaten half of it. Incredibly Delicious!!!!!!!

Happy birthday to my Steven!

1 comment:

  1. I thought that was Outback. Yum! I was thinking the same thing about Brad!
