Sunday, October 9, 2011

Football and Park Sunday

Sunday nights bring flag football to the Kueny household. Most nights the boys and I do not get to go with Daddy to his games because they are too late. Tonight's game was a 3:45 game so we were able to attend with Daddy. To say the boys loved it and enjoyed themselves is a major understatement. To even keep them in the stands for 20 minutes was quite an accomplishment for me because all they wanted to do, and I mean ALL, was to play on the field with Daddy.

It is not the best picture because for how super cool my phone still is, I can not seem to figure out how to zoom in for pictures. No one can. It makes me think my phone doesn't do it. Anyways, Will and Owen looked pretty stinkin' adorable on that huge field and them being so little still:)

Once they got their fill of me telling them they couldn't be on the field while the Daddy's played, we moved on over to the park. This park is built for kids 5-12 years old. It says it right there on the sign. Owen didn't care. He doesn't realize he is only 2. He thinks he is 5, like brother. Sometimes a good thing, sometimes a bad thing. The slide was the big hit tonight. Owen took a few spills down but still seemed to look like this at the end!!

The boys enjoyed themselves to no end. Steven didn't limp or crawl off the field from injuring himself. A good night all around....except for Steven lost:(

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