Friday, October 28, 2011

A Day in Pre-K

So it was time to brush up on my days of the week, months of the year, colors, shapes, and off to Pre-K I went with Will today! Not really, although sometimes (on my tired days) I do feel a little rusty. Twice a year Will's teacher (who also won Teacher of the Year that morning) invites all parents to come and spend a day with their student. The next opportunity will be in March when Daddy will get to go. Today was my day though. Will was so pumped Momma was coming with him. He even sang me a song in the car again this morning that he thought we would sing today. We didn't sing that one, so I guess he will have to teach me more. The morning started off with singing, more singing, and calendar time. We then moved onto pumpkin creating. Here was Will with his first activity of the day. He worked really hard on that one and the finished product is already hanging on our fridge:)

He was into "hanging beside" his friends for a spell and then he would remember I was there, find me out in the classroom, and sit right on top of me or in my lap. I will take that for as long as I can. I don't think at 17 he will want to sit in my lap anymore, and that will be a sad day for me. He was always as close as he could get to me while working. See:

No really, I am not complaining. That is precious to me even though at some points my feet were falling asleep because all 33 pounds of him were resting on my toes!

Next up...more working on projects. He made another pumpkin, a sticker sheet of fall fun things, and a necklace (a special gift for someone that actually was not me).

When he was done with all of his projects his teacher allowed him to play/draw/write on the Smart Board. That thing was so cool and totally made me wish I would have had one when I taught 2nd grade. Will loved it. There was a line about 10 deep of kids that wanted their chance to play on it too. Will got up there and drew I "think" a dinosaur? He showed off the whole class how well he can write his name though! Way to go Will!

Mason (Will's best friend) and Will enjoy their class and their time together every day. Today they were at the Science station looking at pumpkins and pumpkin skin with a magnifying glass. They were also being boys and seeing what other things they could make huge. Funny boys:)

Last but not least it was snack time. The class read a story about a pumpkin (that was the theme for today if you couldn't tell) and Mrs. Snow gave the boys and girls the activity to make their own square pumpkin with graham crackers, orange icing, and sprinkles. This was a huge hit with all 20 students as you can imagine. I think that was the quickest thing any of them did, just so they could partake in the eating of their pumpkin!

Will had a great time with me and showing me all he does in his day everyday. Now I know why he loves going to school so much. It really was fun, entertaining, busy, loud, and exciting. I can only imagine what a 5 year old thinks of it!

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