Saturday, May 28, 2011

Block Par-Tay

Today was the day for the neighborhood block party. Tons of people showed up, lots of food, and a firetruck (more on that later). The morning was spent with our friends, Amanda and Steven, filling water balloons. 500 balloons to be exact. We filled, broke, and tied balloons till our fingers bled (literally). The kids had fun, or I should say Will, had fun playing the water balloon games. His side one the relay which made me proud but I don't think he had any clue they were victorious! He found "other" things to do with the water balloons. Don't even ask. Steven took this picture and I really don't know what was going on. Maybe some measuring???

Next up on the list of activities was the pie eating contest. Since my hubby is 180 pounds soaking wet and he was up agains't some pretty tough, built, Puerto Rican's; I was a little nervous for him. I didn't even bet that he would win! I know, I am a horrible non-supportive wife. I just wanted the best possible chance of winning that Texas Roadhouse gift card and I knew my hubby wasn't the best choice:) I was right. He didn't win, but he sure tried hard. Here is a before picture:

And the after picture:
Notice that his bestie, Steven, also took part but did not win. He tried very hard too and I think might have done even better than my Steven:)

The night was still not over. Will, and about 150 other kids, loved the last activity. The Broken Arrow Fire Department came to our neighborhood and parked one of the firetrucks in the street. They turned on the powerful hoses and just went to town on all the kids in the road. At first it was just a huge, light mist. It eventually became more powerful with the bravest kids running to the front to get knocked over by the water! Will was not one of those kids:) He enjoyed just running in the back of the pack, getting slightly soaked, and running through the water cascading down the sides of the street. I enjoyed standing there, off to the sides safely out of the waters way, just watching him play. Or so I thought I was safe...All of a sudden the firemen changed the direction of the hose and decided to get all the parents watching in the wings. NOT a good thing when you are holding someone who doesn't like hoses, sprinklers, or anything to get him wet when he is not expecting it. I calmed him down after this with a good snuggling and a warm towel, but he did look pretty miserable here. Poor, poor O man!

Steven (in the background) obviously thought this was funny too! Owen was so ticked, he was not the same the rest of the night and we had to eventually pack it in and call it a night. Oh well, at least Will enjoyed himself!

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