Saturday, September 25, 2010

My First 5K

It is official! Check it off my list. Done and completed and all money made going towards the cure for cancer. 15,000 other people joined me along with my sister, cousin, aunt, and mom.

Please excuse the way we might look in this picture. This was taken very early and after only about 5 hours of sleep the night before enjoying some girl time! It is not very often we can get together with husbands or kids and just sit and talk. Cupcakes added to the fun of the evening. (We worked them off the next morning I think!)

We all survived the race and had fun while doing it (I know I did. Guess I can't speak for everyone else!)

I felt left out of this picture seeing as how I was stuck in the back of my sister's SUV (a.k.a minivan:) They took one of me too to prove I made it out alive!

Now onto next weekend....the Tulsa Zoo Run!!


  1. So proud of you, and you look fabulous post run!!!

  2. I like to call it my stationwagonSUVCUVminivan.
    And I think this sister got about 3 hours of sleep because a certains someone's KNEE was in my back allllllll night:)
