Thursday, December 17, 2009

Will's 3!!!!!!!!!!

Thanksgiving came and went. Will's birthday (the day after Turkey Day) came and went and I am JUST NOW blogging about it. Oops! Will has turned 3! Still not using the potty but that is a whole other story on an entire new blogging day. He decided he wanted to eat pizza on his birthday. His three favorite foods are: pizza, chicken legs, and tacos. I gave him the choice on which one he wanted. He decided on Mario's Pizza. You can see his little "3" candle in his pizza slice! Yes, he did eat the whole piece and No, he didn't eat for a week after that! Just kidding. He did eat again in like 2 days:) He had a bowling party because as I have stated in earlier posts, he is all about the sports! He loves to bowl and lasted longer than anyone at the party. He was going to other people's lanes as we were leaving and bowling for them, while crying that he didn't want to leave. He had about 10 kids show up for his party, they bowled an hour, opened presents and ate cake for an hour, and then we were off. He loved it immensely, I thought it was stressful, and Daddy thought it was too expensive. I guess not everyone can be happy all the time:) Happy birthday to my sweet, type A, loving, playful, obedient, THREE year old son, Will!


  1. The stress and $$ are worth the memories though, right! :)

  2. It was a great party. You didn't seem stressed at all. I sure I hope I hide it well when we start having big parties again.
