Friday, June 12, 2009

Mom's Sad

Yesterday morning while I was taking a shower Will decided to cut his own hair. I didn't even know he was in the bathroom. I left him in the living room watching Dora and he made no sound coming into the bathroom. I think he did this because he knew he was about to do something bad! I hear Steven's electric razor come on (which I had never seen Will even turn this on before), and knew it could be bad. I jumped out of the shower soaking wet to see my son's hair falling to the floor! I was so sad!!! Will thought it was great and was extremely proud of himself, while I was trying to hold back the tears. I think I have decided to just see what it looks like in about two weeks instead of shaving his head. I love his hair and would hate to see it all gone! Thankfully his hair normally grows at the speed of light so in two weeks it could look a little more normal! gotta love those 2 year olds!

1 comment:

  1. They all do it. I used to operate an undercover barber shop out of Steven and Daniel's closet when we lived in Noble.
