Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chick-Fil-A Madness

So my little 2 1/2 year old LOVES him some Chick-Fil-A. I have to say that it is really good food, although I do believe it to be a tad overpriced. we are at CFA the other day and Will is eating so well (that is a major accomplishment for him, let me tell you). He is so excited (note the picture) and is thrilled with his kids meal fun toy. Needless to say, it did not last long. About five minutes or so after this picture was taken the horrible CFA cow came waltzing by the window and into the restaurant. For all you parents out there that have children that literally flip a lid when they see adults dressed in funky costumes, you can understand me here! Let's just say that if I didn't get him calmed down in a matter of seconds all of that wonderfully expensive lunch was about to come up:) Thankfully the cow must have sensed my hesitation for him to come any nearer because he turned around and left. Thanks in part to Will's Nini who jumped right up and told the cow to leave because her grandson was about to go into an all out fit. He was DONE eating at this point and just wanted to sit in someone's lap to be comforted. Oh, my sweet boy. When will he grow up and realize how funny this story will be one day?


  1. I guess he doesn't like cows... :) Maybe he needs to see a real one up close so he can know it's nothing to be afraid of. :)

  2. i wish it were that easy. it has nothing to do with the fact that it was a cow. it has everything to do with how he is scared of adults in costume. i don't know....strange?
