Saturday, May 21, 2016

It's Finally Here!

 We did it!  We finally did it and the summer is now upon us.  I am so excited, I can barely contain my joy.  Now, if only the weather would begin to cooperate.  I am currently sitting in jeans and a fleece jacket while my feet freeze in flip flops because it's SUMMER and I refuse to wear any other type of footwear.  

We finally came to a close for all the last few weeks of school activities.  We did the parties, the teas, the awards ceremonies, the movie days, the field days, the trip to Dry Gulch, the division breakfast celebration, and the Kindergarten graduation (that one pulled on my heart strings).  My sister sat right beside me and laughed as I gently wept into a Kleenex.  Okay, I wasn't weeping but I wasn't dry eyed either:)  

Will never got a Kindergarten graduation because BA doesn't offer one.  He did get a little Pre-K send off but nothing like the pomp and circumstance that Lincoln puts on to send off their new 1st graders.  It was special and something I will remember forever.  It will rank right up there with his real graduation from High School in not too many years.

Our days will now be filled with the wonderful freedom of summer.  We will now be able to go visit our new home under construction every day.  We will now be able to stay up later, sleep in later (hopefully Owen gets that memo), and take little trips and do fun things on a whim instead of planning it around if it's a "school day" or not.  This girl loves summer almost as much as her children.  I know this for a fact!  The hotter the better and the more crammed with things the even MORE better!

Here's to a wonderful summer for you and your family as well!  

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