Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Lofty Goal...but a Goal Nonetheless!

In 18 short weeks we will be going here:
Destin, Florida. 18 weeks is not very long. Not very long to get this body back in some form of shape. I am not considered overweight, but totally am not where I was before birthing my two beautiful sons. I love them dearly but things are not in the same location they were 6 years ago. So...since we are going to the awesome state of Florida in 18 weeks I thought I should put a little action into my body again. 18 weeks folks. I want to look good in that swimsuit. More importantly, I want to be comfortable! I have set a goal for myself. I want to lose 20 pounds. 25 would be even nicer and would be the smallest I would want to get. I am sharing this with you all to hold myself accountable and to allow you to track my progress. For those of you that don't care about my progress you don't have to read about it:)

Week one I started running again. It's been over a year since I have ran. Embarrassing but true. I feel great while I am running and thought it was funny when I saw a friend post this on their Facebook. I feel like this when I run:
But more than likely I look like this:
My goal is to get myself back into a bikini. I am working on hard core/plank/ab work as well as running. If I can just be comfortable in a bikini that would be awesome. Hey, if I can look like this (this would take more than 18 weeks I am sure) I would be TOTALLY fine with it.
I figure if THIS lady can wear a bikini on the beach...I CAN TOO!2.6 p0unds the first week with a little diet change and exercise. 2.6 pounds closer to my goal, a bikini, and Florida. Wish me luck!!!

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