Monday, February 14, 2011


Okay, this is totally stolen from my friend Amanda. She makes me feel normal. She makes me realize that I am not the only one with a million thoughts running through my head on an hourly basis. Sometimes, she just sits down on her blog and vents all those things going through that pretty head of hers. Here is my list. I am not crazy. I am just a mom/wife/sister/daughter/friend who has lots of little people talking to me at all times (in my head and in real life). Okay, I do sound crazy now. it goes:

1. I am sick of hearing Thomas in the background. I like the new songs on the show though.
2. I still don't know how I feel about a boy band singing on Thomas over the British children.
3. Why am I still talking about Thomas?
4. Owen is a tornado.
5. Seriously, an 18 month old wrecking ball.
6. He laughs more than any baby I have ever met though.
7. I want my kitchen floors done.
8. NOW.
9. I wish Steven didn't have bowling tonight on Valentine's Day.
10. The sheets are done and now I need to find all the towels that need to be washed.
11. I need a pedicure.
12. What's the point? I still have to wear my snow boots to just get the mail.
13. I am done with snow.
14. My back hurts.
15. I hear the tornado. Once he finds me in here, this post will be over.
16. Steven is now whistling the new Thomas tunes with the boys in the living room.
17. I wish I had more things to do with the boys today.
18. I am sick of being inside.
19. I hear the wrecking ball making his way down the hallway. He has arrived.
20. And, I am done.

1 comment:

  1. The sad thing is I read this from start to finish and it didn't sound random. It is the beginning of the end for me. This just sounded like an everyday conversation I would have at any given moment. Scary!
