Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday Ava!

5 years ago you were little. Super little. Not really too little. I think you were right around 9 lb's. That's not a little baby, but you were the only one and we were all (and still are) in love with you.

You grew....and grew and grew. Then you were about 1 1/2 and man were you ever active. Your momma didn't know if she could keep up with you. Hence your nickname...Monster. You were a monster but your cuteness kept everyone from doing any bodily harm to you:) You could talk and yak anyone's ear off and had an amazing vocabulary even at this young age. You loved to play and when your Mom wasn't freaking out about germs she would take you to the park. You loved the park and still do when Mom allows it:)

You continued to grow and amaze everyone with your ability to communicate anything you wanted with practically anyone you met. You loved to talk to anyone from QuikTrip, Walmart, didn't matter where you are.

Then little sister came along and you became a "little momma". You took great care of Emma and loved her as only a big sister can.

Several summers and falls went by. You loved to play outside in the water, in the sand, and play around inside when it was too hot or too cold to go outside. You never seem to have a lack of things to do with your energy and your imagination!

Now you are 5 and in school. You are such a big and beautiful girl. You take care of others around you. You smile. You love. You love Jesus and your family. We are all so proud of you and I love you with my whole heart. Jesus didn't give me little girls. He gave me Ava, and for that I will always be thankful:) Happy birthday my sweet Ava. I love you, Aunt Jackie

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this. I loved looking at all the pictures. I read it to Ava and I couldnt wipe the grin off her face!
