Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring....Just Kidding!

Just one day after I took all those great springtime pictures it snowed 6 inches! Only in Oklahoma:) One day it was 74 degrees...the next day 32 and snow. Gotta love it (or hate it) I guess. I took the opportunity to have Will build his first snowman. He enjoyed it even though he was miserable and cold. Did I mention the Oklahoma wind was also blowing about 25 mph this day? Poor little guy (and Daddy). He had an excellent time building Mr. Noman, as will calls him.

Owen wanted to "help" as well. Of course, he wasn't napping so I put him in his chair, covered him up, and placed him in the doorway so he could pretend he was taking part in the snowman (noman) building experience. Here Owen is giving his opinion about how to build the snowman.

Overall, the boys had a really great, but very cold, time outside/inside if you are Owen. Hopefully now that it is only about a week away from April it will NOT SNOW ANYMORE! I can't remember a more snowy winter here in the Sooner State. Move over Winter....Spring is calling!

1 comment:

  1. I am so ready for shorts, tanks, flip flops, and the warm SUN!
