Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Gotta Love Spring

I just love Spring! Do you know how hard it is to find ANYTHING pink for boys? Let me tell's rough. I just love pink on boys and think it is adorable. I found this pink polo at Babies R Us and snatched it up along with every other mom of boys out there. This was the last one there! I originally bought it for my "little man" to wear this Summer (size 12 month)...he is wearing it now (at 8 months) and fitting pretty well into it as you can see:) He is growing up so quickly and looks so much like my dad that I have to do double takes sometimes. If you know my dad at all you will see the same look in their eyes and baldness! If you don't see it, then I have to say you might be blind!

On this same day Will decided he wanted to play outside from sun up to sun down. The only time he was not playing with his friend Aubree was when we went to Sam's. I snapped a picture of them in their matching T-Ball hats. My mom brought up a funny point that Will and Aubree look like they are going out on a date. She is sort of leaning into him and he is driving the car. Too cute! They play so well together. The only bad part is when they are playing in the sandbox and one decides they want to dump all the sand out, either outside of the box or in one another's hair. That's fun to get out! Gotta love Springtime!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Military Ball 2010

This past weekend Steven and I got to attend the 2010 Military Ball in Oklahoma City. We went with my sister and her hubby who is currently in the Air National Guard Reserves here in Tulsa. We had so much fun. I haven't really gotten dolled up since our wedding/honeymoon. It felt good to get my hair done, get a tan, actually paint my toenails for a reason, and have a night out on the town with my gorgeous hubby!
Here is a picture of all four of us. Joe (my brother in law) was the President of the National Guard Association. He was the big wig for the night. There were over 600 people there and a bizillion tables and we were seated at the VERY FRONT, on camera, and 5 feet from Governor Henry and his wife. That was pretty cool. Here is a pic of Steven and I at our table:

My sister looked smashing in her zebra print dress and red accessories. She got me to actually wear 16 hour dyed on lipcolor in hooker red. That was not actually the name of the color, but that is what we called it. Needless to say...the next morning even after I had washed my face and brushed my teeth twice, I was still getting fire engine red residue on the hotels white handtowels. Oops, my bad.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Date Night

The words "Date Night" take on a whole new meaning when you have children. This date night Will and I went to Elmo Live at the BOK Center. Let me tell have to have some serious mom energy to survive one of these things. Of course the kids love it, so you know you just have to suck it up and watch them have fun! Will's favorite part and character was Elmo. Shocker! This pic was taken right after he sang "Elmo's World". Elmo danced around in all his glory. See below:The only extra purchase I made was a $5 cup of dip-n-dots. Will told me he wanted cookies and creme and would eat it with me. He ate 3 bites and then figured out that he didn't think it was really ice cream and therefore would eat no more. I guess he didn't like the whole ice cream in balls concept. Nice for Momma! He wanted an Elmo doll even though he has one at home...I didn't fold. I did make him stand in front of the display though for a photo. So mean of me:)
Overall, the night was a success. I might complain about having to experience complete "mom" thing with my children but I really do enjoy seeing their little faces light up when they are watching something in their lives for the first time. Will doesn't look too happy in this picture but he was just soaking in all that was around him. He looks way serious and I guess he was, because he was learning:)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring....Just Kidding!

Just one day after I took all those great springtime pictures it snowed 6 inches! Only in Oklahoma:) One day it was 74 degrees...the next day 32 and snow. Gotta love it (or hate it) I guess. I took the opportunity to have Will build his first snowman. He enjoyed it even though he was miserable and cold. Did I mention the Oklahoma wind was also blowing about 25 mph this day? Poor little guy (and Daddy). He had an excellent time building Mr. Noman, as will calls him.

Owen wanted to "help" as well. Of course, he wasn't napping so I put him in his chair, covered him up, and placed him in the doorway so he could pretend he was taking part in the snowman (noman) building experience. Here Owen is giving his opinion about how to build the snowman.

Overall, the boys had a really great, but very cold, time outside/inside if you are Owen. Hopefully now that it is only about a week away from April it will NOT SNOW ANYMORE! I can't remember a more snowy winter here in the Sooner State. Move over Winter....Spring is calling!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring with a Side of Milk Gut Please

My precious little boy (who is not so little). I just bought him this new shirt for this summer (size 12 month) and he is now wearing it in the spring when he is only 8 months old. You will notice in the picture his lovely milk gut hanging over. Milk has certainly done this little one his body good! He is just so sweet and loved eating the leaves on this spring day. Note....the next day was 32 outside and snowed about 6 inches! Owen enjoyed his first cracker this day also. Here he is sampling the awesome cracker goodness!
Both of my boys enjoy the outside almost better than anything else in their lives. I know this is true of almost any child but I believe it is especially true of little boys. Will loves to spend time with his brother and "show him the ropes" of all that being a little boy entails. I caught Will and Owen having some special brother bonding time at their Nini's house and snapped this photo. They were in deep conversation about something. It probably entailed how to spot a good leaf that was worthy of eating or how to know which bugs to pick up and which ones to leave alone!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Third Tooth

Okay...the tooth is really there. I think you just have to look pretty intensely at this picture to see it. Owen did things a little backwards and got the top two teeth first. This is actually his first tooth on the bottom. I could not get him to smile to see the top two for this blog. Shocker! Boy does not smile too much even though he is a happy baby:) He now officially has three teeth and is finding that he can eat more food now. He loves this about his newly changing mouth! Owen finds squash, green beans, quacamole, and many other yummy foods quite delish! He is growing up so quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

March Madness

I am so incredibly thankful that Spring is almost here. Yesterday was the perfect day to go to the park and play for a little bit! Will had his first experience on the monkey bars (See pic) and Owen had his first time in the swing (See pic). Will is thrilled to do anything new and exciting. Owen....not so much. He doesn't cry, whine, or look fearful. I am finding out with O that he just doesn't make too many facial expressions, laughs, sounds...for much of anything. He gave me a smirk when I first began to push him. That was a lot for him and I guess his way of telling me that all was good in the swing world. The statement of boys just don't have a lot to say totally holds true for my little silent 2nd born:) There will be many more park days to come and T-Ball pictures to post as well. Will begins his first T-Ball team here in about 3 weeks. I am looking forward to how cute he will look out there in his little baseball cap and pants. I will just want to run out there and squeeze him! Everyone enjoy this beautiful weather God has given us!!!!!!!