Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sophia Coco Turns 3!

Happy birthday sweet Sophie! I can't believe it has already been three years since you were born. I remember the day going to the hospital to hold you. You were so tiny and your Momma and Daddy were beyond thrilled. You have continued to be such a joy and your presence is always precious to be around:) We all love you, but your biggest fan is probably Will. He talks about you all the time and loves to play with you!

Sophie invited Will to the Bouncy Barn to jump with her on her birthday. Of course, he excepted the invitation. They had a ton of fun. A ball, if you will:) Owen enjoyed the balls as well. This is pretty much all he could do the whole time. The Bouncy Barn is the perfect place for kids 2-4 years of age. Owen did this most of the time:

Both Will and Sophie enjoyed the Elmo jumper the most. Both of the Momma's liked this one too because it was educational (we can never turn off our teacher brains)! Will loves Elmo...as you can read about in previous posts. Anytime a 3 year old can give Elmo a kiss is a good day:

Don't forget to hug him too:

Overall, the kids had such a great time and I was very thankful that Sophie thought of Will when she could invite a friend:) I enjoyed the time with my friend too, even if most of the time was spent looking after the little ones!!! This is our life right now, so we take the time together when we can get it!


  1. You are so right about life right now! I'm not quite sure how to have an uninterrupted conversation anymore.

  2. What a sweet post, Jackie. We really enjoyed spending time with you and look forward to it again - soon!
