Sunday, January 3, 2016

Cousin Sleepover

 Christmas break has come and gone.  I can't believe how fast 17 days can fly by.  The kids have had a blast and I am hoping they are not TOO tired to start off the week tomorrow.  Late nights and early mornings are Owen's normal routines.  Thankfully, Will will sleep in.  At least one of my children will do that when he is overtired.

Speaking of overtired...last week the boys had their cousin Nathan spend the night.  Nathan is 11 and lives in Tulsa. We really need to have him over more because the boys just love him and enjoy spending so much time with him.  We took Nathan for dessert at Dairy Queen and then the boys came home and played light saber battles and watched "Home Alone" for about the 5th time this month.  Nathan was a great boy, super respectful, and quiet (I like the quiet part).  Thankful that Nathan was able to show Owen a little special trick regarding his light saber's.  Owen never knew (and neither did we) that they attached at the ends to make one large light saber.  Oh yes, that made for an awesome night for these kids:)

Tomorrow starts school, schedules, and routines all over again.  I just paid for another half a year of school lunches, packed backpacks, set out uniforms, and cleaned nap mats. Half way to summer.  Half the school year gone.  Let's do this!  I'm halfway on the home stretch of summer.  You know how I feel about summer.  Those months are the chosen ones.  The best.  The ultimate.  And even though it's freezing outside...we are half way there.  I say it again, let's do this!

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