Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spider Will

Owen is usually my poster child for "watch your children at all times because _____ might occur!" Today was Will's turn. We were outside enjoying the fresh breeze mixed with snot out of both noses (gotta love sick kids) and I turn my back for one second to attend to Owen eating dirt off the ground to find Will attempting this:

Of course, being the good mom that I am I made him hold his position so I could pull the dirt out of Owen's mouth and then run inside to get my camera. Good strength son! He said "Charlie" made him climb the house. "Charlie" is a whole other blog story though. Just found out about that one. I guess it's invisible friends time:)

1 comment:

  1. That's funny! Mason has a pillow pet named Charlie. Ironic that they have the same name for different things. These boys are a little too similar. Kind of like their mama's.
