Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Sponge Mike Meets Fashion Man"

For those of you who don't know, my dad's name is Mike. For those of you who don't know my dad, my son looks just like him. For those of you who know my dad, but don't think Owen looks like are blind. I took this picture of the O Man tonight in his car seat. My dad saw it and said, "There's Sponge Mike!" We call Owen Spongebob because he smiles all the time, ear to ear, with these huge teeth everywhere. I guess he truly is a combo of Mike and Spongebob, hence the name Sponge Mike! What do you think????

Will, on the other hand, looks nothing like his Pappy. He totally looks like his Daddy but with his Momma's eyes. He is like Steven in so many ways, that sometimes I just look at him and the expressions he makes, the way he stands, the way he talks and I think to myself, "God forbid if anything should ever happen to my hubby, I would still have a major part of him watching Will grow up." There are times though when Will is all Mommy! He loves to help me apply my make-up (we don't speak of this around Daddy). He loves to try on my shoes and hats. Steven surprised me with a new hat tonight that I had been admiring for awhile. Will apparently loved the hat too because he had to wear it all the way home. I snapped this picture of him hamming it up in the car in "his" new hat! What a doll baby:)

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