Sunday, November 27, 2011


This Thanksgiving we went to Norman to spend the holiday with Steven's side of the family. There are a lot of people, a lot of noise, and a lot of chaos...but isn't that what the holidays are all about? I wouldn't have it any other way. Will and Owen have so much fun playing with all their cousins. One of their most favorite things to do with their cousins is go to the neighborhood pond. There is a huge, and I mean HUGE, snapping turtle that live in this pond. Eli and Steven (the other child) built a bamboo spear thingamchig to catch the turtle. To no avail, the turtle never made an appearance. They had to settle for just feeding the gigantic coy fish some leftover bread. Oh well, the kids had fun!

Going to Norman also meant that I got to see my two little new nephews. They are now about 8 weeks old and cute as all get out. They are hard to snap a picture unless you want them sleeping, getting their diapers changed, or nursing (I don't think Rachel would want me to take that picture). That is pretty much all they do. I tried to take one before a feeding, they were squirming some, hence the not totally clear picture. Look how Oliver and Anderson are growing:)

Thanksgiving came and went. The next day was our families celebration for all the week of Thanksgiving birthday's. Crazy as it sounds, we have 3 kiddos that have birthdays that week. Lola turned 3, Will turned 5, and Nathan turned 7 (all within days of each other). Friday night we all had a mini party for the 3 kids. They had a blast opening up their presents and Will was super pumped about his new Spiderman Electronic Toothbrush (just like Daddy's but not Spiderman). Needless to say, I might have to buy Owen one now even though he is much too small for one because he thought it was fabulous too but couldn't use it and that DID NOT GO OVER WELL!

Another Friday activity, that was right up Will's alley (no pun intended), was bowling. Will was super stoked to be doing this activity. He did pretty well with no ramp. Towards the end of the time at the alley he started to use the ramp because I think his little arms were getting tired:) Everyone played and shouted and clapped and cheered. They all loved it! Happy birthday to all the kids and Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We all have so much to be thankful for and I am so very blessed every day of my life. Thank you Jesus!

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