Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Next Buddy Valastro

Yes, I do realize he is not Italian. Not even in the least...but the child loves to bake. I think this is hilarious and must be a cruel joke being played on me by God because I DO NOT ENJOY baking. Yes, I do enjoy the benefits of baking and will taste every creation just baked, but for actually doing the work...I leave that up to other people. So, as luck would have it I birthed a child, a boy child at that, who loves to bake. He talks about all the things he could and would help me make in the kitchen. It really is quite cute and it keeps him busy for hours. Today I thought for a "celebration bake" (for Thanksgiving holiday) we would make some gingerbread cookies. He's only been asking me every day for about a week to make them:)

Last night I went and bought all the ingredients since I knew today was going to be a wet, cold, car-less (mine's in the shop getting a few things touched up) type of day. Perfect day for creating our own gingerbread creations. First came the mixing, then the rolling, then the cutting of the men, then the baking. I tried, without success, to get Will to help in the cleaning up process while the cookies were baking. That didn't work. He spent his time playing "football" with the Candyland Men. Yes, you heard that correctly. He has his own sort of game going with the blue, green, yellow, and red men of Candyland. Everything can be turned, and usually is, into sports in this house! After 4 touchdowns scored by the blue man (shocker), it was time to get the cookies out of the oven and begin to ice them. He got more icing on his clothes than the actual cookies, but he did pretty well for not being Buddy Valestro.

We both enjoyed the finished product and Will couldn't have been more proud to pose by his new creations. Don't ask me what type of stance he is doing in this picture. I have no clue. I can only guess he is attempting to make himself skinnier from just eating 1 cookie and probably many more as the night wears on:)

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