Sunday, September 20, 2009

First Smile it is! Let me tell you that it is pretty hard to capture this baby smiling with a camera. He doesn't do it too often. I guess he is just not a huge smiler! Will was smiling all the time by this age. He would do the gigantic open mouthed smiles and would coo. Owen is a little more low key. He smiles some, mostly in the mornings, and will "talk" to me then too. They are quick and there is not much to them but I was able to catch one this week. Everyone is saying ( and I see it too) that he looks like my dad. If that is the case, my dad NEVER smiled in his baby pictures either. Maybe Owen is more like his Pappy than everyone thinks:)


  1. He is SO stinkin cute! Don't you just love having two little guys around?

  2. i do love it. talk about work though! never a dull moment around here:)
