We had a great Christmas together surrounded by family and friends. Chris, Steven, and I go way back. I'm talking like age 12 back. I first remember meeting him in 6th grade in Norman. Steven I think met him in 7th grade. That's a long time to be friends with someone. Since Steven's parents live in Norman and his parents live in Moore we try and get together every Christmas for a movie. This is a tradition that dates back many many years. This year was no exception and we went to see "The Hobbit". Not my choice but there wasn't too many good movies out this year so Hobbit it was. Okay movie, but more about the tradition and memories. I'm glad we could do it again this year. Christmas Eve is usually spent with my family. This year we decided on making it an overnight and we let the kids play games, watch movies, and just pretty much destroy my parents house. Finally around midnight we all gave in and fell asleep. Dad woke up early and started a big yummy breakfast of french toast, bacon, and eggs. Everyone had a great time. Christmas morning we left and headed off to Norman to see all the Kueny side. There's tons of cousins for the boys to play with and lots of adults to get together with and play games or go grab a movie with. Kueny and Fournier Christmas's are pretty different but I love and enjoy both of them for a variety of reasons. I look forward to all the family, friends, and foods of the holiday season. This time next year the boys will have yet ANOTHER cousin to play with as Aunt Lauren is pregnant again with their 3rd child. Bring it on baby. We can take another one:)
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