This spring break we didn't go anywhere out of town. That's actually really hard to do and pretty much impossible this time of year with our business. I did try to find something fun and entertaining for the boys and I to do each and every day. They had several play dates, lunches out, and trips to exciting places. I am glad they had a good time. They were worn out by the end of each day but that is how it should be:)
Monday the boys and I went to the library (what a blast)....and then headed to my parents house for our normal Monday night dinner. 4 months out of the year every Monday we head over there since Steven is gone all day with work and then bowling. The boys had fun playing outside since it was such a gorgeous day. Will and I got to work on his baseball skills and we got a yummy dinner to boot. It was a win win!
Tuesday we headed to the Y to do
some swimming with Will's good buddy from school, Gavin. They had a blast and it was fun to see Will playing with his friends outside of school. We followed swimming up with a trip to Chick Fil A for dinner. More playing ensued in the playground there too!
Wednesday was Bass Pro. Let me let you guess who was in charge of picking Wednesday's outing? I told Will that even though it was not his favorite place in the world to suck it up and enjoy it for his brother. I might not have used those exact words, but he got the general idea. Here they were visiting their favorite boat with the "bed" on it. Really, I just think it is a large area where the over 21 patrons can pass out after too many beers on their brand new, overpriced pontoon. Owen wouldn't turn around for the picture because he was too interested in watching the ducks swim by. Classic.
Thursday it was another outing with Gavin. This time we decided on bowling. Gavin has a little brother named Brody that is the same age as Owen. It is great having play date's where each boy is the same age. Once again, you will notice Owen is missing. Yep, he was off visiting the lady in the concession stand on this go around.
Thursday night I had a little free time of my own since that was my scheduled girls night. We visited PF Changs, Gap, and Starbucks in Utica Square. I went with my sister Angela and my good friend Melinda. It was awesome to get to hang out with some people my age and not have to listen to more stories about poops, butts, and toots. Oh boys!
Friday morning brought rain and freezing cold temperatures in the morning. Secretly I was glad Steven was able to be with us. I snatched up my family and we left for a donut at the local Mexican bakery and then we headed up to Owasso for the boys to
swim once again, but this time with Daddy. I am so glad he willingly gets in with them because this Casper is not stepping foot near a bathing suit until I get a bit more color. Yikes!
While the boys were all enjoying themselves in the pool, I was running my tail off in the work out room. Not my favorite activity for a Friday morning but I wanted to take advantage of Steven being home and watching the kids so I didn't have to get outside later that day and run in freezing weather and mist.
I had to work of that donut right??? Hope everyone had a great Spring Break and got to enjoy some good time with their families!
Every March Steven works the Home and Garden show from a Thursday-Sunday. I often say this is the point in the year where I realize I will not see my husband until beginning Fall. Bummer for me and the boys but we are thankful for the work so I will try not to complain too much. Since this weekend was the show my sister let me borrow her YMCA card so I could take the boys to the super awesome pool at the Owasso Y. I wish this place wasn't 40 minutes round trip because I think my boys would come here everyday if given the chance.
Friday the brothers got to go together after school. This was around a 2 1/2
hour ordeal. They played, dunked, wrestled, and swam. They had a great time! Never did they complain they were cold, or wanted to get out, or were ready to go home. We closed the place down on Friday night.
Saturday Will asked to bring a friend. He picked two of his closest friends,
but one was not able to come, so Mason joined us on Saturday. This was
actually the easiest day for me sitting and watching on the sidelines. These three boys played together for close to 3 hours with not one fight, trouble, or worry. Except if you wanna count Owen not wanting to get out of the pool quick enough to go pee. He couldn't quite make it to the potty. Thankfully, the floor was wet with swimming pool water, so Owen just added a little more liquid to the floor. I tried to stop him but in the words of Mason who was looking on, "You're not gonna stop that!"
Sunday was our last day at the pool. The boys were getting tired by this point.
They love to swim and enjoy themselves tremendously but swimming takes it out of you and I was beginning to see them fading at the end of Sunday. Sunday their cousin Ava got to join in on the fun. This day had a few more squabbles (since the cousins are more like siblings than cousins). Nothing they couldn't get over though and continue on with their fun swimming experience. Will and Ava spent a lot of their time in the Lazy River floating away their troubles:) Owen made friends in the baby pool and had them entertained almost the entire 3 hours.
I was thankful that Angela let us use her pass this weekend and I am sure since Steven will be busy for many more months that we will use it again! The boys had a great time and wore themselves out as evident by my Owen (who NEVER naps out and about) and couldn't even wake himself up to eat at his favorite Mexican restaurant last night. So funny!
A few weeks back Will had the opportunity to be involved in a photo shoot for my friends children's
clothing line, A La Modish. She mostly focuses on girl clothes and accessories but does have a few pieces for boys to wear as well. She asked if Will would
be interested in shooting for the 5/6 size. "Um, Yes", I thought. Finally, I just asked Will if he would want to do it. I honestly didn't know if he would. He is opposite Owen in every way and normally does not like anyone focused on him or talking about him or demanding his attention. I knew in this shoot he would have people doing just that to him for 3 plus hours. He said he would to it and wanted to do it. That might have had something to do with
me saying he could have a special treat at the end. He chose Starbucks. Yes, he is my child:)
He did really well and handled the stress of a photo shoot for close to 3 hours. He only started to break when I stepped on his hand while he was on the floor playing. Then, the fun factor of dressing up and posing for the camera was over.
I see a lot of me in Will. I see "some" of me in Owen. I see a lot of my dad in Owen and I see a lot and I mean A LOT of Steven in Will. Will has my eyes (shape and color) and my nose. He has a lot of prominent Kueny features on his face. Hairline, eyebrows, mouth and expressions. When I see this picture below all I can think about is Steven Kueny but in a 6 year old body. This MUST have been a lot how he looked at that age:) Adorable!
And now for my favorite two. Amber Snead Photography did an amazing job with all these pictures and of all the children in the shoot. I have to say, though, these two are my favorites. They are my favorites each because they
have a story behind them. The first is because if you know Will you know his favorite color. He was a little nervous about the pink shirt (for obvious) reasons but was thrilled when he saw the bowtie. "Yes" he said, "Now, I don't look like a girl!" One of Will's classic smiles is what he call "the smirk". He is sort of doing it here in this shot but I love his eyebrow expression in this one. It's like he's saying, "I know I have to wear this pink shirt, but I won because it came with a cool blue tie and blue is my favorite and I am going to rock this picture even though I am wearing a pink shirt." Anyways, that's what I think he is thinking in this shot:)
My second favorite is just because I think he looks plain sweet in the picture.
Most times Will doesn't smile huge but when I asked him why he was smiling bigger in this picture than any other picture this was his response: "Because I liked the hairy vest!" Simple 6 year old reason.
Thank you Andrea and Amber for giving Will and I this opportunity. I will cherish these pictures forever!
Owen being true to form Owen had to show me a scratch the other day on his back. I told him I would look after I got out of the shower. Big mistake. He took that 7 minutes of freedom to show me his "scratch" as only Owen
can. This is exactly how I found him when I exited the shower. He had stripped himself of all clothing (for who knows what reasons) and climbed on top of the counter to sneak a peek himself of this dreaded laceration. I could hardly even see the thing. Seriously. I snapped a picture because it is not everyday you see a naked 3 1/2 year old standing on top of your sink:) I showed my mom and dad the picture and they immediately said it made them think of this guy. I couldn't agree more....except for one noticeable smaller area on Owen that hasn't matured to David status let. I'll let you figure that
one out.
On a completely different note (and probably shoud be another blog all together but I am too lazy)...I would like to introduce to you my Boot Camp class. This class has grown by leaps and bounds since I began last summer. I think that is quite a group of ladies that willingly get out of bed while it is still dark and freezing. We come hang out and sweat to death for the better part of an hour. We support each other, encourage, and push each other physically, mentally, and spiritually. I don't enjoy working out. I really don't enjoy it at 5am, but these girls make it worth it and I am so very thankful for them!