Today and Joe's departure day has finally come. It was the day that we all knew was coming but just didn't want it to actually get here. Joe has
gone on many deployments to a lot of different places overseas. This one is the longest one he has ever and will ever have to be on. My sister doesn't want anyone to know exactly how long he will be gone (because she doesn't know everyone that reads this blog) but just know it is about 8 TIMES longer than his normal deployments.
Angela and the girls did about as well as could be expected today. There were lots of tears today but we all knew that would happen. I can't say that I wouldn't be a blubbering mess if that were my husband leaving for Afghanistan as well. I was a blubbering mess and that wasn't even my husband.
Please keep Joe and his service men in your
prayers while they are away. He is not at the safest base or best location but we know he is protected by the blood of Jesus and will return to his family in due time. Extra prayers for protection and strength for Angela and the girls are all welcome!
Will was so precious when he saw Ava today. She walked into my mom's house (and she was crying). He walked right up to her, with tears in his eyes too, and said " can borrow my daddy when you are sad." Oh my. That made me cry even more. He is such a sweet boy that will make some VERY blessed woman extremely happy one day.
Thank you Joe for your service to our country. Thank you Angela and girls for your sacrifice you will be making this entire time at home without a Daddy or Husband present. Thank you service men and women all over the world that do this on a daily basis to protect our freedoms and our country. We love you all!
I have been wanting to go to Pop's for
awhile now in Arcadia, OK. It's right on Rt 66 in a tiny town but I have heard a lot about it. 600 types of pop? You can't go wrong! The boys loved it, of course, and were amazed by how many bottles of pop could fit on one wall. Me, on the other hand, was just waiting for Owen to drop one of the glass bottles on the concrete floor. How many of these bottles was I gonna have to buy? Amazingly,
we only bought a 6 pack of different
flavors and Owen (and Will) didn't drop any. Phew!
Next up it was off to the Big Round Barn. Also in Arcadia and also off Rt 66. I mean, come on, it was interesting seeing a big barn that has been around for over 110 years in the state of Oklahoma. But, let's be real, that was really all
there was to it. Inside the barn was a "gift shop". I say "gift shop" because it really was just a glorified garage sale. Not that I don't enjoy garage sale's but nothing I need to drive 1 1/2 hours to. The boys liked it and thought the windows in the side were cool enough to put their heads through. That was about it for them too!
I do have to say that the inside of this barn was pretty impressive. I mean,
look at that ceiling. That took some time! Of course, Steven's first statement was "wow, that's really cool, but I see some hole's in their they didn't do right."
He finds the five tinnnyyy holes and draws attention to them.
I also didn't realize how pretty and blue the sky was today. Look at that beautiful sky over the barn. Maybe it's just the contrast with the bright red barn, but that sky is gorgeous!
To end the day, some of our friends won a dinner for 10 to the Spaghetti Warehouse in
downtown Tulsa, with a trolley ride to the restaurant and back to the radio station. Since both of our families together tally up 10, they asked us if we wanted to go. Yes please! The boys had never been on a trolley ride before and loved it. The food was great, the company was fun, and the meal was free. What a great way to end a perfect day together as a family!
Who has the coolest grandparents ever? My boys seem to think they do whenever my mom orders another round of sandy loam to be delivered to their backyard for the sole purpose of the kids (mainly the boys) to play and build on. Seriously? Not many people would do that, but my parents do. This is actually the second pile of dirt they have had delivered. The first one lasted two years. It started out this high and then eventually with the help of rain, snow, and two boys got grounded down to the ground. Today was like Christmas morning when they saw how high the pile was again. They didn't care that it was 105 outside with no shade for them and no wind. High humidity? Not a problem. Sand in their eyes, mouth, ears, nose, and underwear? Could care less! That is what a Nini's house should be like. No worries at all, just play time.
Just play time. Just like this bugs. I was just sitting there minding my own
business and sweating to death when I noticed these two creatures on the table having a little "fun" of their own. No wonder the bug population never seems to go down at my parents house in the country. There must be
something in the air out there:)
The boys had a great time and they eventually did come in to get cleaned off and to have a bath. 105 degrees in September? Gotta love it!
This September is going to be busy. I love September and I think I enjoy October even more, but September is pretty nice too. I like the "cooler" temperatures USUALLY that come in September. This week is not a good follower of that. The next four days are 105, 104, 102, and 103 degrees. NOT SEPTEMBER WEATHER that I enjoy. Oh well, here are a few things that I will be enjoying in September.
Flag Football: Will has practices every Friday night and a game every Saturday morning in September (and October). He is a great little player and I can't wait to see him in action.
OU Football: Yes, Steven stayed up till 1am last night to watch the end of the OU game. I love OU football and will cheer and stay up with the best of them, but after 11:30pm and I call it over with any sport. I am a girl and football does NOT rank up there with quality sleep time. The Sooners are my team though and I am excited about watching them this year. I enjoy all college football actually and never mind if it's on the TV. I like watching all my boys sit there and watch games and call plays and run drills in the living room all Saturday afternoon. It's pretty comical!
The Leaves Changing: I don't think this actually going to happen anytime soon seeing as how it is still so hot outside. But, a girl can dream right....maybe they will start to change more around this person's birthday.
That's right, September brings my awesome sister in law's birthday. Talk about a great gal. She is a wonderful mother to her five children, a wife, a sister in law, a daughter, a sister, and so many more things. She wears all her hats well, never seems stressed, and is such a great example of a Godly woman. I am proud to call her my sister in law! Happy birthday Rachel!
Eureka, Missouri: Lastly Andrea and I have planned a
weekend trip to Missouri the last weekend in September. Missouri is not
the coolest place to go but it is halfway between Tulsa and Lexington,
KY. Who doesn't want to spend some time with their best friend and to
visit a lavender farm? I just thought it sounded like something cool to
once in my lifetime. Lavender farm? Yes, please!
Happy September everyone!